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Chillins are a slang word for children. They range anywhere in the age of 3-12 years old.

How are them chillins of yours?

by Redonkulous Definitions November 4, 2021


The art of doing what one deems "chill". The definition may vary from person to person but the general idea is for a person t reach an ideal level of satisfaction in all areas of life. Unlike other ways of living, chillinism does not require a person to reach any pre-set goals or be an active member in society. You achieve chilinism when you see fit. Not a soul on earth can tell you otherwise. It's funny how hard people try when they know that an inevitable end awaits them. Chillinsim strictly believes in making ones time alive as "utopian-like" as possible.

The purpose of practicing can simply be deduced to: inflicting as little possible anxiety in life.

"I'm very tired today, but I have class at 9 (what do I REALLY want to do to make myself happy. A: Wake up go to class and not fall behind. B: stay in bed wake up at 2 and feel rested, although i am now a days behind on work."

The answer is literally, whatever will please you in the long run. Chillinism is an art similar to meditation, but requires effort only you can measure.

by Chillman February 21, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


relaxation...but by yourself...

You hanging with anyone tonight?

Nah...im chillin

by SuperGinge23 October 11, 2010

104๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another term for adolescents (usually 8th grade and younger). Mainly used by adults to describe young children that have yet to acquire the responsibilities of everyday life. They are free from obligations and are in essence "chillin"

Parent 1)"I think we need to give young Billy more chores to do. He doesn't do anything around the house."
Parent 2)"No way. You remember being that age don't you? Just let him be free to hang out with the other chillins."

by douche nutz November 6, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


Blazed as fuuuuuuuuck.

Ron: Yo mayne what's good?
Joe: I'm chillin yo, just faced three L's!

by lkyle September 13, 2010

129๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


State of cool relaxation; relaxing by yourself or with your friends.

"Hey bro, you chillin?"
"Yes I be chillin."
"That's good man, hey keep chillin that's what I like to hear."

by Wolfpack TFP March 8, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The religion dedicated to St. Chill. This religion was formed around the believe that one should do what is chill. Enjoy yourself and don't worry about the consequences, as long as you don't stop others from being chill.

There is no heave or hell, just this life. Try to do whatever makes you happy in this life.

Guy: Why did you quit your job and put in an application to work for the traveling circus?

Other Guy: I found chillinism and I thought that joining the circus would be chill.

by Lifereaper0 November 8, 2004

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