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Petite Chou-Fleur

1. A French expression meaning "My little cauliflower", used as an affectionate term for loved ones, may it be family, friends, partners, et cetera.

2. Your mother

"Ah, mon petite chou-fleur. Beautiful as always."

by CheesemanLloyd June 19, 2022

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Chou Moun

The term used by michael jackson in bo' selecta usually used wen something good is bout to happen or he is excited

Chou Moun Motherfucker!

by justin November 25, 2003

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Dang nigga what chou say?

1. Used when you dont undestand something
2. Used instaed of saying "w00t?" or "omfg no way!"

1. "Did you see that guy who ran across the street and got eaten by a bird?" "Dang nigga what chou say?"
2. "I got an A+++ on my maths test daddy!" "Dang nigga what chou say?"

by domza March 19, 2005

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Ti ti chou pi yi

1. Slang phrase in Mandarin Chinese for one who believes his or her friends are telling the truth regardless of how ridiculous and preposterous the things they are trying to tell him or her are.

2. One who gives his or her friends bragging rights to exclusively tease them for endlessly searching the Interweb for the definition of phrases.

Stewy: "Hey what does ti ti chou pi yi mean?"
Adeline: "We can't tell you... look it up online!"
Stewy: "Ok. (one hour later) I still can't find it, is it spelled differently? I'm so confused."
Adeline: "muahahahaha"

by the wonderful waffle girls January 14, 2011

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Jasper Chou

Jasper is uhm a person that you can really love spending time with even tho you h4t3 him. #Chotufou or however you spell

we love him :) jasper chou is funny

by sophionese March 19, 2021

Bong Chou

A chinease cool word.

I like bong chou

by C00L DUD3 May 13, 2019

michael chou

Like, who tf is he

Hey, who's Michael Chou?
I have no idea bro.

by Something Something + Pi May 20, 2019