Son: Hey mom, whose churchiee?
Mom: Oh honey its just a friend who comes when dad is at work
Son: Then why do I hear "OH GOD YES HARDER BABY!" upstairs?
Mom: Oh ummm because we are playing uhhm a board game!
Son:...okay mom, have fun!
A mysterious schoolboy story which no one actually knows the legitimacy of. It dates back to approximately 1982 when a student of Churchie (a boys school in Brisbane), apparently raped a dog named Zoomers. This has given students of churchie the nickname “zoomers” and get shit hung on them for it. It may be the most notorious story of private boys schools in Australia. This also leads to barking towards churchie students and a “ZZZZOOOOOM” when they are ran past.
Southport boy 1: Rugby this weekend ladssss!
Southport boy 2: who vs?
Southport boy 1: Churchie Zoomers
Southport boy 2: ZZZZZZZZZZ
Southport boy 1: ZZZZZZZZZZ
Both Southport boys: Zoomersssssss
a kid is a "disappointment to his family name."
Angus is such a churchy, he stole is dads credit card for vBucks.
Usually someone who grew up in the church, especially in the black community, in the way they talk, dance, sing, or mimic the church behaviors.
Him: “You can hear that gospel sound in her R&B tracks.”
Her: “Yeah, she churchy.”
An Anglophilic name is typically used for young men as a nickname. The name 'Churchy' gained popularity through its connection to world-famous remussy & use as a method of intimidation and fear in English prisons, Often resulting in mistreatment, harassment, and abuse of women.
ol' chap 1: ello' mate, how're ye goin'
churchy: not bad govna, feelin sum remussy rigt' bout' now
ol' chap 1: that'a the way ol' churchy