The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is an American media franchise and shared fictional universe that is centered on a series of superhero films, independently produced by Marvel Studios and based on characters that appear in publications by Marvel Comics. The franchise has expanded to include comic books, short films, and a television series. The shared universe, much like the original Marvel Universe in comic books, was established by crossing over common plot elements, settings, cast, and characters. Clark Gregg has appeared the most in the franchise, portraying Phil Coulson, an original character to the MCU.
The first film released in the MCU was Iron Man (2008), which began the first phase of films, culminating in Marvel's The Avengers (2012). Phase Two began with Iron Man 3 (2013), and is expected to conclude with Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). Marvel is also preparing Phase Three, beginning with the release of Ant-Man (2015). The universe began to expand with the release of the first official tie-in comics in 2010, and saw further expansion with the Marvel One-Shots direct-to-video short films in 2011 and the TV series Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the 2013โ14 season. Marvel has multiple films and television projects in various stages of development.
The franchise as a whole ranks as the second highest-grossing film franchise of all time and has inspired other film studios with comic book character film rights to attempt to create similar shared universes.
The following film scene, from Iron Man (2008), is an example of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in action:
after end credits
Tony Stark: arriving home Evening, JARVIS!
Jarvis: voice distorted Welcome home, sir...
Stark stops as he sees a figure in his living room
Nick Fury: "I am Iron Man". You think you're the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet.
Tony Stark: Who the hell are you?
Nick Fury: Nick Fury. Director of SHIELD.
Tony Stark: Ah.
Nick Fury: I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative.
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After Avengers: Endgame, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) ends, and the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse (MCM) begins. The Infinity Saga is the end of the MCU as we know it, and the future films from Marvel Studios will be set in the MCM where alternate dimensions and timelines exist.
Spider-Man: Far From Home is going to kick off the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse, and hopefully the X-Men can eventually join the MCM.
The paranoia you receive after watching a horror movie.
Mostly affects your reality and gives you the thought of being in the position of the main character in the movie, or being a target of the being which makes the movie scary.
Paranormal Activity is what inspired this word, for it is the perfect example.
After watching the movie, viewers are more alert to the slightest noises and fear that they are the target for a haunting, hence, Post-Cinematic Paranoia.
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The result of watching a movie where the plot builds to the point of the viewer expecting an action sequence or climax of the movie to occur yet they are left in suspense for an extremely long period of time.
We were watching "Inglorious Bastards" when I got cinematic blue balls from the expectation of some Nazi killing, but the next scene only turned out to be more dialogue.
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A movie with recycled plots and a lot of cliches.
Nobody cares about this cinematic recycle-over trash!
When you are watching a porno and it references another porn video you have watched
Bro I have seen all of The Porn Cinematic Universe I think this makes me a virgin again
Someone who obsesses over movies they don't like, to the point of making a personal crusade out of them. Often have an Objectivist view towards these movies, believing that everybody should hate them, and anyone who doesn't is clearly low on intelligence. CJW for short.
"Jesus Christ, now they're doing Aquaman? When are people gonna wake up to the fact that DC movies are fucking awful?"
"Okay, I'm going to shut you down right now, pal, because I have no patience for that cinematic justice warrior bullshit."