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A type of music that surpasses all others because it doesn't involve computer generated beats and even more shockingly, no lyrics about bustin' a whitey's ass with lead!

Rap has no true emotion behind it. True composers like Gustav Mahler and Dmitri Shostakovich were intelligent and put real emotion into their music. Rap doesn't have any feeling so it makes you think of nothing while you are listening to it. Classical does contain lyrics in the case of Opera and Church music and if you don’t understand the language, that’s YOUR fault!

The majority of listeners are intelligent people who refuse to listen to Rap because of how bad it sounds. Classical music is still being composed today and has never been better. Some modern composers are Leondard Bernstein and John Rutter.

Everybody knows that Rappers got famous because the majority of moron Americans would rather listen to “Come and lick my lollipop, you cunt!” rather than listen to true beautiful emotion classical music.

Anyone can rap:
1: Think of some horrible lyrics about violence, drugs, rape, and misogyny
2: Repeat step 1 six times
3: Invite 5 of ya gang around
4: Give them a microphone and and a synthesizer
5: Give each person a different sheet with random notes
6: Record the result
7: Get some dumbass MTV person to broadcast your shit.

Most movies these days only classical music a.k.a. real music rather than that fucking rap shit like 8 Mile, the worst movie ever made.

The reason classical is only played during movies nowadays is because:
1: If they played rap, people would die
2: The movie industry is too civilized for Rap.
3: Rap artists like 50 cent have too many hoes to fuck and ain’t got no time to to movie music.

Classical will remain popular whereas in about 10 years rap will go out of style. People have been fans of classical music for centuries!

Classical is not boring. There’s more to classical than slow violin and piano pieces. Have you ever heard Shostakovich? Have you ever heard Mahler? I suggest buying “Shostakovich Symphony No. 4” and tell me what you think!

Non-music: 50 cent, Chingy, Nelly, Ludacris, Ja Rule, The Game, and all that other shit!
Music: Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergei Rachmaninov, Peter Tchaikovsky, Camille Saint-Saens, Johann Bach, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig Beethoven, and much more…

by Level 12 August 3, 2005

350๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž


An over used word used by clearview kids to describe........well just about everything.

me: do you like my new shoes.
You: there classic man, so classic

by classicniggas January 16, 2011

110๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


When somthing has been done so many times, but still hilarious, you would call that a classic.

Like when someone falls or trips in a funny way, you would say "classic"

by Ferice Cupcake May 10, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's Classic!

A phrase used to announce your love for something by saying that it is a classic--something so good that it transcends time. (this is likely hyperbole, but the phrase is still quite catchy)

Two people are conversing:

Person 1: Man! We had a wild night! <explains night>
Person 2: That's Classic!

by ChrisMikGee September 1, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used to describe behavior that is characteristic of the person. This can be used to describe your best buddies, or even total strangers.

Guy 1 "You see that guy that just walked in the room and took that laptop?"
Guy 2 "Yea...I think his name was Carl or something"
Guy 1 "Classic Carl"

Guy 1 "Did Aidan poop in the shower again?"
Guy 2 "Yeah its all over the walls"
Guy 1 "Classic Aidan"

by ticklemecollins March 10, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word "classical" as applied to music has two meanings. The narrow meaning is the music that predominated in cultivated circles from about 1759 or so (the year Handel died) through about 1827 (the year Beethoven died). The most prominent classical composers were Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven, though there were many others as well--among them J.S. Bach's sons, esp. C.P.E. Bach, Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Luigi Boccherini, Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf.and many others. Of course, this time classification is a bit arbitrary; Schubert, who died a scant 20 months after Beethoven, is generally considered a Romantic composer, though many of his longer works from all but the last few years of his life are basically classical in the narrow sense.

In the broader sense, classical music is more difficult to define precisely; you can find exceptions to almost any generalizations you make.

Yes, classical music tends to be in longer forms that popular music, but a great many classical composers have written songs which are no longer that the average pop song. There is even an Australian composer named Myroslav Gutej whose 3 movenment Piano Sonata #7 lasts a total of 24 seconds!

Yes, classical music tends to be "serious" music; in fact, many have adopted the term "serious music" in lieu of classical music, because they think it more accurate. But that does not mean that all non-classical music is not serious, or that no classical music has humor. Many operas have comic plots; probably about half of opera plots involve crossdressing by at least one character. And Brahms Academic Festival Overture, written, as you might expect, to celebrate a particular academic festival, horrified many of the academics and delighted their students because it was based on four popular German student drinking songs. Much of the humor of J.S. Bach is lost to us now, because much of his music, including his sacred cantatas and organ music, incorporated melodies from the popular music of his day; this often shocked many members of the congregation. At the other end, the song "Strange Fruit," popularized by Billie Holiday, certainly qualifies as "serious" music.

And finally, whether a composer is considered classical or popular can be a rather arbirary, individual decision at the margins. I have made the decision, for example, to include all of Duke Ellington, even his longer symphonic compositions, in with my jazz section. OTOH, I categorize both George Gershwin and Scott Joplin (not just his opera Treemonisha) as classical composers.

And while I think rap is an abomination, I must say that many people who began as rap "artists" have turned out to be people of real artistic depth in music and movies. Queen Latifah is one of the few who has branched out into other kinds of music, but others, like Ice T and Will Smith have shown themselves to be fine actors with genuine depth. And, divorced from its often obscene, violent, and mysogynistic content, rap as a form, if not a name, has been around for a long time, going back at least as far as the Gilbert and Sullivan patter songs. And give another listen to Pete Seeger's "Talking Atom" from the late 40's, if you have never heard it.

Favorite essentials to a good classical CD collection:

Bach: Brandenburg Concerti--Marriner, cond.
Handel: Messiah--Charles Mackerras, cond.
Haydn: String Quartets, Op. 76--Tatrai Quartet.
Beethoven: Piano Concerti (5)--Leon Fleisher, piano, George Szell, cond. Cleveland Orchestra.

Brahms: Symphonies--Georg Solti, Chicago Sym.
Mahler: Symphonies--Bernstein, NYPO
Dvorak: Sym 9 "New World"--Zdenek Macal, cond, London Philharmonic Orch.
Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring--Stravinsky, cond.
Joplin: Treemonisha--Gunther Schuller, cond.
Prokofiev: Symphonies 1, 5--James Levine, Chicago Symphony.
Shostakovich: Piano Quintet--St Petersburg String Quartet, hyperion label.

Britten: Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra--Antal Dorati, cond., Sean Connery, narrator.

by Robert Baker aka RebLem May 14, 2006

51๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone is telling you something and you cant think of anything to reply with, just put classic in front of the main thing they are talking about. It gets rather annoying after a while although it can be addictive

Person 1 : Did you hear that 'Dave Williams' punched a girl in the face?

Person 2 : Classic Dave Williams

by jammyladinitboi July 14, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž