Source Code


In love and war and nicki minaj there are no innocents, only Codeys.

Codey said this, 18.10.22

by Thenipscrunch October 18, 2022


A guy who wears pink bunny suits and is into very kinky stuff. and very attracted to guys named Ray or Josh.

Definition of a guy named Codey

by A guy named Codey Molester December 5, 2023


An evil little child that will kill every thing

The demon is a codey

by Jeffryharrdy January 6, 2019

Pull a Codey

Making a promise/deal then once you get your side of it, you back out and refuse to do it

Bro 1 - “can we play DBD like you said

Bro 2 - “nah don’t think I will”
Bro 1 - “don’t pull a codey

by TheMoistPengu March 6, 2022

Codey’s dad

A man who leaves his son and wife behind in Australia and moves to Canada

Australian Kid - “My dad left to Canada

Another Kid - “So your dad pulled a Codey’s dad?”

by TheMoistPengu February 27, 2022

Doing a Codey Sharp

to be pushed out of a second story window

"he's just doing a Codey Sharp"

by salmonella14 March 8, 2019