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shitty committee

It's "Butt Chin's" way of saying....... Shit is about to go south!

These niggers are peepin us! They in the cut! Nigga!shitty committee

by Drew-b December 19, 2013

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Committee Mentality

The collective stupidity that results when a committee forms.

The President of the National Academy of Sciences asked, "What right has the federal government to propose that the American people conduct a vast nutritional experiment with themselves as subjects, on the strength of so very little evidence that it will do them any good?"

However, Committee Mentality was already in motion, and a popular culture icon known as the Food Guide Pyramid came to be.

by Downstrike June 17, 2004

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pretty committee

a group of really cool people. who are nice to everyone who is nice to them. if they dont like you, your screwed. they are mad cool wherever you live. fuck with them, theyll fuck you harder

today i bonded with becky, of the pretty committee and she is much cooler then social outkast peyton.

the pretty committee are the people all the girls are jealous of.

by Z Her September 29, 2006

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Titty Committee

A female sausage fest.

"Let's get out of this titty committee, girls."

by Big Black and Dangerous February 19, 2014

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Crabtree Committee

That group of women (every guy has at least one) who wish they could get bridal for a guy, but percieved life circumstances prevent them from pursuing the goal, so they talk trash about said guy or try to stonewall him socially. A variation of the cock block squad.

Innocent Girl#1: "Wow, look at Big Marty's Pimp Aura! He's dreamy!"

Crabtree Committe Member#1: "What? Didn't you hear he's a faggot? What planet are you from you fat redhead bitch? Bow down to your new Cunt Nazi!!!"

Innocent Girl#1: "Um, yes... I like Paris Hilton. He's just another dumb asshole Nelly loving Nigger. Thank you Miss, may I have another.(groan)..."

by See you on the field August 22, 2005

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de-committed is what Congress-woman Marjorie Taylor Greene was.

Crack open a bottle of champagne -- the seditionist Marjorie Taylor Greene was de-committeed finally!

by USAF Cadet February 6, 2021

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Ethics Committee

An SCP Group nobody likes because they enforce the CoE too often. They make sure all work done in the foundation is done in an ethical manner.

Guy 1: How many members of the ethics committee does it take to change a lightbulb?
Guy 2: How many?
Guy 1: None! The ethics committee can't change anything!

by Br_cks July 19, 2022