what amy santiago told terrance jeffords after him outdoing her in "raising morale|
cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale cool cool cool cool morale morale morale
A quote by the infamous EstLost Entertainment character Cocoa.
He said it in the video where the new show 'Clashing Continents' was introduced on the channel, which at the time was known as Everything TV.
Person 1: "My cat just died."
Person 2 *in Cocoa's voice*: "Very cool very cool."
A term to signify that you’re listening to a persons voice but you truly haven’t heard anything that the person is asking.
Made famous by the 1,037th member of the Cradle hole in one club member, John Robinson.
Keane - “Hey guys, we should take our group picture outside at the Payne Stewart statue because we won’t be back at all this trip if ever.”
J-Rob “Cool cool.”
A term used to show a group that you're listening to what their saying but you truly haven't heard what they are saying.
"Hey let's go outside and take a picture with that famous statue as a group because we won't be back on this trip or maybe never again, for that matter"
"Cool Cool"