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The Cosby's

Things i drop in the toilet when i take a dump

I just dropped the cosby's off at the pool

by bilbo March 31, 2004

12👍 14👎


To have someone place somthing in your drink to gain control of you.

Watch your drinks , to make sure you dont get cosbied.

by Like really1 March 2, 2016


The effect of having been slipped a drug that causes you to pass out and be date-raped.

“That old comedian, Bill, must have ‘Cosbied’ that poor girl. There’s no way she would have slept with him otherwise.”
“She woke up in a random guy’s bed, naked and ashamed. She had clearly been ‘Cosbied.”

by 88Lakers July 3, 2021


Covertly drugged with GHB

I don't Remerber much, i think i got cosbied at the club last night

by Peanut#1 September 17, 2018


Verb meaning to drug and rape a girl.

I was afraid he was going to Cosby me.

by Cdnlong October 23, 2015


(verb) To utilise drugs to sedate a woman to make her an easier target for sexual assault.

The only way you can get a date is if you go out clubbing and Cosby a girl.

by OrdosDv8r November 24, 2015



1. A unit of measurement describing a collection of rape allegations or a group of rape accusers, numbering no less than 10 in imperial units.

Contemporary Examples:

* "James Deen scandal nears .5 Cosbys."

* "With the number of accusations mounting, Bill Cosby himself is under fire from over half a DekaCosby of rape accusers"

* "Ghengis Kahn's rapacious campaign reached several KiloCosbys during his reign of terror across Europe, such that many people today can trace their ancestry back to him personally."

by Alienm00se December 3, 2015