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Courts also known as Courtney is the best person on the planet. Has this special thing that they can do with their eye that can make any man turn into putty. Has such a caring personality and never gets angry despite all attempts to do so. Loves steak and ramen and steak in ramen despite the unusual combination. Can brighten up any room.

Went to Wagamama’s with Courts the other day, she ended up dipping her steak in ramen, she’s a special one, wouldn’t change her for the world.

by Muhi August 29, 2021

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To have an excuse to not be "dating"....yet still routinely boning. A way to subtly deflect impertinent questions with sarcastic humor via archaic terminology without offending the one with whom one bones.

"Dude, I saw you with that girl last weekend. What's up with that?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Are you dating?"
"Nah, we're just courting."

by kittycatmongoose February 8, 2010

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The Court

A spot somewhere on west ninth street in santa rosa, ca where you will usually find drunk people on friday and or saturday nights of the week. There is someone ALWAYS saying "Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip." over and over and over.

Lets go by the court. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip. Get your perk on dont trip. Hey dont trip.

by JeromeDizzle October 8, 2006

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Back the days when things were more pure. To court meant to ask to date in the long lines of engagement to marriage. But now in the urban age " court " is a new reference mainly used in the black community. It now means to have sex with someone. Or planning on doing so. When you pronounce the word you pronounce it with a QWART ( long W sound ) QWWWHAHT

1. Did you see Katie today in that mini-skirt? * whooo* I just wanna court!

2. I've been going threw a dry spell lately. I so need to court! Where the girls at?

by Ceejae December 20, 2007

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a place where groups of bogan-like people like too display there lack of teeth and smoke every ten seconds.. also aboriginals thinking they are african-americans is not acceptable in the court house waiting room

*punchs lawyer... OIoioioi mateee, can you represent me in Court..

by gsdgsd9 April 21, 2009

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courting death

Mostly used in Chinese novels.

Said when someone has overstepped another persons bounds. As a warning/attack sentence.

A: ha ha, i stole your pet
B: you are courting death.

by Patriarch Reliance April 20, 2021

popped a court

Accidentally revealing a spoiler to a tv show, book, or movie during a conversation.

You mean she kills herself at the end?!! You asshat! You totally just popped a court and ruined the entire movie for me!

by sohorob June 1, 2011