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a cutter is a slang term for someone who for whatever reason self-harms. this is in NO WAY to be confused with the recent teeny-bopper craze of being emo where children dress in black and bright colours and claim to be "misunderstood" and cut because MCR have sung about it. i am being generic ofcourse, im sure some emo children have problems.

the reson behind this cutting, can stem from anything from stress, to full blown clinical depression, and often is caused by some traumatic event in the person life. whatever the cause or the reason it is equally serious. cutting is a form of relife, whether to take your anger out on yourself or because you feel worthless and are unhappy with your life, or even just because you are so frustrated you don't know what else you can do. it is a coping strategy, it is therefore almost the opposite to suicide where a person is giving up on life, cutting is perseverence.

cutters are often branded attention seekers. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. i can say from my own personal experience, when you bear the scars of cutting, the last thing you want is anyone to pay attention to them. i spent some of the hottest days of summer in long sleeves until i almost passed out, was forced to remove my jumper and had school friends commenting on my cuts, from then on i preceeded to cut on my stomache.

the best thing you can do to help someone you think might be cutting is to avoid talking about their cuts but constantly reassure them that you care about them and offer them a shoulder to cry on. but don't feel you have to share their burden.

how a cutter feels (based on personal memories): i have a mountain of coursework due in on monday and my parents are in the middle of a divorce and i have no self confidence causing me to be paranoid about what people are saying about me and i am disgusted with my apperance - the pressure and emotion of all of this is building up in my chest i can feel it physically hurting, its hard to breath - wheres my razor? - there, run it over my skin a few times, it cuts like a knife through butter - relife, i can breath again.

by magic. August 21, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a cutter is someone who has alot of shit that goes wrong in their life...and they cut their selves...to relieve the stress and pain they have gone through...people that just do it for attention...and just 2 get people to feel bad for them...need help...because there is other ways of getting attention...not by just cutting...also cutting is almost like an addiction...almost like being anorexic or bulimic...it is really hard once you start to cut yourself...to just not do it any more...

whats that scar from?
...uhh...im a cutter

by SKSKSKS May 28, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


okay first of all, no one knows what a cutting is until they're experienced it. its a way to release stress. you can pretty much refer to it as "the only pain you can control" cutters don't like to made of.
someone might say,
"oh we made of you because we figured you'd stop"
thats a lie.
how the fuck do you even think that?
i dont know.

but seriously,
"emo people" are just like everyone else.
so don't judge them.

even the popular people can be cutters,
they seem so happy on the outside,
but on the inside they could be depressed.

so if you're one to judge shut the fuck up.

oh my god did you hear danielles a cutter?

by dhoeeeee September 18, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who self harms (a 'cutter'), by cutting themselves with a sharp object. They do this as a means of being able to cope with their lives, because they are unhappy and depressed. It makes me so angry about how cutters are so often put into stereotypes such as 'emo', and when people who need help are simply labeled (should other people find out) as 'attention seeking'. It is a really serious issue and the person in question needs to be helped before their situation gets worse.

This can be hard as the feeling of being able to cope and regaining control is somewhat 'addictive', but it can be done. Believe me.

People who do self harm for attention, however, i have no sympathy for whatsoever, because doing things like flaunting cuts on your arms at school, etc, is so insensitive to people who self harm for genuine reasons. And that could be anybody, from any walk of life.

Personal experience:

Parents constantly fighting (though divorced)
Suicidal parent
Bad experiences with parents' partners
Trying hard, yet constantly failing
Hating school
Being worried sick about my best mate
Being alone
and dwelling on it too much

is what drove me to be a cutter.

I stopped by:

Talking to someone i loved and trusted
Reducing the amount of work i had to do
Being determined to get better

by cappslockss September 1, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who harms themselves to relieve emotional pein.

i started cutting when i was 13. i unscrewed the blade from my pearer and swiped it across my wrists i am a goth so i guess i fit that stereotype. i dont do it any more but am left with physicall and emotional scars. if u cut or a friend does tell someone. do not scorn cutters do not laugh at them it hurts.

by i like the pain July 11, 2006

109๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for turd cutter which is a butt or booty

We saw a cute girl with a nice butt and my friend said, damn! Nice cutter.

by ravencrow neversmiles November 8, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Apparently, according to the sterotype a cutter is someone who cuts, is emo, listens to emo music, apparently dresses emo and dresses all in black.

Actual definition, someone who self inflicts injury on their body by way of cutting, burning. These people typically need some form of psychological help and are usually stereotyped and made to feel even worse. Cutting is a cry for help for some and a way of felling for others. A cutter typically hides their habit and can be spotted through many signs. They can be quiet, they usually wear long sleeved or long legged clothing to cover the scars,even if its 104 degress outside. If you or someone you know is cutting,please seek help!

My prom dated assualted me in bed. A guy at a party sexully assaulted me. One of the guys I knew from work made me jerk him off, and a guy from school molested me while watching a movie. I am constantly in the state of feeling worthless because I have been led to believe that by others. I hate my body and my actions. I am a cutter, I cut.

by "Emo Scene" Kid (as im stereotyped) December 20, 2006

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