When you are clever and racist
you are a daa Hankert you clever racist
Something to call your best friends and means every word in the dictionary. If you have no friends yell at your mom or dad with it.
My dog's name is Zeus this is just his nickname but I use it for other words too.
"Cookadaazeusoo (Cook-uh-daa-zeuz-ooo) is a silly dog, that runs." (Cook-uh-daa-zeuz-ooo)
daase is a slang for the male genitalia. The word comes from the smaller cities around Sweden. (mostly central)
Samadhanama poga ivan pura illa da...Sura
Don't try to mess with that guy.....
He is a well renowned *Vishal Krishna daas*
Samaadhanamaa poga avan pura illa da.....Sura
Oh.....He is a complete "Vishal Krishna Daas" don't mess with him ley
A phrase for the most extreme idiocy.
Stop being such a conky doo daa.
Substitute for "OH SHIT!" or "DAMMIT!"
U dropped ur glasses
Ekh daa daa