A unit of time equal to the official run time of Disney's 101 Dalmations (1961) - 79 minutes. This term is a mental/visual aid to quickly communicate passage of time when a clock isn't easily available and is most often used to communicate the amount of time someone has occupied a bathroom/restroom, especially in homes where 101 Dalmations is frequently on repeat for whatever reason.
Roommate #1: Hey! How many Dalmations has Sven been in the can?
Roommate #2: Dunno bro, but this is the third time I've seen Cruella stuff her cigarette in the redhead's cupcake since he went in...
Roommate #1: Sooo, mental math... nearly three hours?! Jesus-on-a-Big-Wheel, Sven, eat a bran muffin for fuck's sake...