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dat ass doe

That ass though.

A woman can be an idiot, or have an ugly face, but if she has a nice ass it makes you want to say "dat ass doe"
The same is true of her legs, "Dem legs doe!" "Them legs though"

"Dat hoe has got an ugly face, but dat ass doe"

Friend 1: "that girl is stupid."
Friend 2: "but dat ass doe."
Friend 1: "true."

by Nice ass November 17, 2013

7588๐Ÿ‘ 5535๐Ÿ‘Ž

dat ass doe

When dat gurrllll wallkss biii wit day fine ass doooeee. U be like "Dat ass doe!"
den all you boys be hollerin like "OOOOHHH!!!" "SHEE WANTS THE D!!!" "GET IT BROOO!!!" (black hood accent doe)

Wen dat ass is big! And u and yo booyyss be like "OHHhH!!!! Dat ass doe!!!!!!!!!"

by #WhitBoyYOLOSwagThough October 28, 2013

160๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

crack dat ass

To fuck someone all night long

I saw her last night, I wish I could crack dat ass.

by jobenavidez May 12, 2015

Tappin' dat ass

When a male go's to work on a very attractive female which is also known as tappin' dat ass. Many highschool students use this in their dictionary to seem cool to their peers.

1: Yo i was Tappin that ass all night she went to work on last night son.

2: James you still Tappin' dat ass?

by faithoftheworld123 July 24, 2012

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

tapas dat ass

getting some serious ass in barcelona. typically between the hours of 0300 and 0500h.

partner: "broham, i had the craziest night last night. some muthafuckas flew us to spain where we met up with some crazy chicks in barcelona. after a light meal out, i tapas'd dat ass until the early morning."

broham: "sheeeeeeeeeeit partner, you tapas dat ass like a muthafucka."

partner: "true dat."

by omar the terrible July 12, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tap dat Ass

above definition as used in a popular pickup line

"is that a keg in your pants, 'cause i'd sure like to tap dat ass'

by Anonymous December 6, 2002

68๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

โ€œDat assโ€ response

The switch that flips in a guys mind when he sees a girl with a nice ass. It instantly makes him want to smash and he will probably try to get in her pants that night.

Guy: โ€œYo did you see Kayla todayโ€
Guy 2: โ€œyeah I had a โ€œdat assโ€ response to those yoga pantsโ€
Guy: โ€œyou gonna hit that?โ€
Guy 2: โ€œyeah probably later tonightโ€

by ThatLogicalGuy May 23, 2019