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big dick energy

Confidence, an aura if you will, that implies an above average-sized penis.

I had never met anyone with true big dick energy until I met Tom.

by okayalrightokaygeez February 20, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

Fragile masculinity/inflated ego. Does NOT require having a small dick, either. Homeboy could be absolutely hung and still emit SDE.

Wow, that dude belittling men who like to be pegged is totally giving off Small Dick Energy right now.

by BigTiddyGothMullet January 13, 2021

126๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

Two definitions:

- someone who shows off masculinity by being cocky, showing off, overly confident to overcompensate their 4.2 inch fully erect dick.

- rounding your dick size 2-4 inches up.

Example 1: "Liam has a lifted truck, wears tapout, works out and acts HARD (douchebag) to overcompensate the fact he has a micropenis and can only please a girl in bed with his tongue"

Example 2: telling a girl that you have a 6 inch penis when in reality you have a 4.2 inch dick.

Small dick energy right there.

by Loltehjew September 17, 2018

186๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Dick Energy

Bucky Barnes

Bucky Barnes doesn't just radiate big dick energy, he IS big dick energy.

by Empster101 August 17, 2018

167๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mild Dick Energy

Some confidence mixed with some skill. A person with mild dick energy is relatively confident in their abilities, and is pretty decent at whatever it is they do, but they aren't as confident as someone with big dick energy. People with mild dick energy can also be a little cocky at times too, sometimes exaggerating the truth, but not as much as someone with small dick energy would.

Overall, someone with mild dick energy is a pretty average person, chances are, they have an average amount of money, an average amount of sex, and have a pretty average penis size.

Person 1: Hey, you see that guy over there, he has mild dick energy

Person 2: He seems normal to me

Person 1: Exactly

by Jeremy Anonia August 13, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

When someone displays unattractive qualities like: toxic masculinity, cowardice, aggressiveness and other pitiful behavior.

For example: Insecure psychopath non-alpha male Leo Dottavio from the bachelorette reeks of small dick energy.

by Bachelorbabe August 29, 2018

232๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

Emissions of toxic masculinity leaked from the bruised egos of micropenis hosts. (SDE)

Andrew Tate has a serious case of Small Dick Energy.

by SarcasticScout December 29, 2022

71๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž