The process of making nonsense claims and irrational remarks, whilst using some mass communication device.
Dude, did you see what Brendan and James wrote about you on Faceboook?
Yea, but i'm used to it. They've pretty much made a game of being e-diculous
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ri·god·dam·dic·u·lous ri-god-dam-dik-yuh-luhs Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
absurd comcastic call center words; preposterous; laughable
A ri-god-damn-diculous supervisor named Keith.
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even more rediculous than rediculous
The wing on that Honda Civic is re-god damn-diculous
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A Combination of god-damn and rediculous used as a comic way to show frustration
my brother keeps stealing my cds, it's re-god-damn-diculous
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when something is so ridiculous that ridiculous just isn't enough to describe it.
Andrew: Dude, Mike had sex with four different women last night for two hours each.
Joe: It's re-gosh-darn-diculous that he can keep it up that long.
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Something that is past ridiculous, just damn shamful, almost too embarassing to talk about later with your closest friends.Something that is definitely between the person and God.
I worked hard all week and when I got my check, it was re-damn diculous.
The way that his breath smells, is re dam diculous!!!!!
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Being beyond rediculous and sligtly higher on the chain than redonkulous or redonculous.
I lost all my markers at school by giving them out. People lent them to other people and those people lost them. Man, this is re-doo-doo-diculous!
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