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Open Door Dilemma

When someone you know is taking a dump in a public or private restroom, and while he is in mid-poo you open the door. Because of this, the person shitting is faced with the difficult decision of either hurrying up and pinching it off and then coming to kick your ass, or coming after you right then and there and risk poo falling out his ass and dropping on the bathroom floor.

The other night, Joey was taking a dump over my house and we gave him an open door dilemma. It was hilarious because he was mid-shit and came after us with his pants at his ankles and he just dropped the poopies all over the floor and stained it.

by SnizzPulverizer February 17, 2009

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Open Door Policy

1. The rule parents have for their teenage children which states that the door must remain open at all times when guests, friends, or significant others are over preventing any sexual intercourse from happening.

2. A policy, that parents create, in which they leave their door open so their teenage children can't tell what nights they are having sex and what nights they aren't.

1. Dude 1: I just got cock blocked from my freaking mother!
Dude 2: Really? That sucks!
Dude 1: Yeah, she really shafts me with that open door policy.

2. Dude 1: Ugch! I was up all night!
Dude 2: I can tell, you look like a zombie!
Dude 1: Yeah, my parents were going at it last night and tried to trick us with the Open Door Policy. They failed miserably and my mother's moans could be heard across the universe.

by KRGDR April 7, 2011

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Open Door Policy

An example of corporate double speak.

A "policy" in a corporation that purports to invite open communications with middle management by stating their door is always open as a matter of policy. However, it's just human resources bullshit, as such feedback is almost universally NOT desired by the managers, 90% of whom will see such interruptions as wasting time.

Because it is not really a policy, it's a statement that is designed to lull employees into the womb of contentment while not actually accomplishing anything.

See also closed door policy.

"Man, our benefits package this year really blows! I wish I could tell management."
"Hey, doesn't your department have an Open Door Policy?"
"Are you kidding? They just say that because it sounds friendly. If I bitched to my manager about this, I'd be shown the door."

by Security Wonk July 19, 2008

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Open Door policy

When your wife is in the shower and you want a quickie, but don’t want to get wet. You open the shower door and she shimmies backwards to the opening, allowing you to do your deed without getting drenched.

Yesterday Trudie was in the shower and I was already dressed, so I called open door policy and got it from behind without getting wet.

by Scotty Nice December 11, 2019

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Open Door Policy

The act of relieving ones bowls whilst leaving the door open.

My neighbors were quite shocked when they saw my "open door policy" enforced.

by Multiplebabyarms December 19, 2003

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Open-door Lassie

The act of taking a shit with the bathroom door open, performed by a female.

"bro where's Sarah? "
"Oh she's just taking an open-door Lassie"

by Sassbun November 23, 2017

Open Door Policy

a policy that requires all doors to remain open at all times, generally due to an ex-convict's aversion to doors being closed because they make him feel like he's back in the joint

House guest: Man, what the hell you opening the bathroom door for when I'm in there takin' a shit?!
Home owner (ex-con): If you're gonna stay here you're gonna have to abide by the Open Door Policy.

House guest: What the hell you talkin' about?!
Home owner (ex-con): Ever since I did that 6 months in Statesville, I can't have any doors closed in my house. I get to feeling like I'm locked in and I bug the fuck out, Dogg. The Open Door Policy is as much for your safety as for mine.
House guest: That seems fair, homie.

by jeanshorts August 16, 2010

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