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Pee Drawer

An empty dresser drawer usually filled with urine. Like the poop sock, you don't want mom to find this, or else you're fucked.

School Counselor: "So, Jimbo, why aren't you acting like yourself at school lately?'
Jimbo: "Mom found the pee drawer."

by Oliver Hotbox April 7, 2019

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Second Drawer

To have sex.

Oh man, I would second drawer that girl so bad.

by EXSpinalTap September 26, 2009

junk drawer

A drawer full of almost every possible thing you can imagine, although none of what is in the drawer is what you are looking for. I'm talking stuff like adapter plugs from the 90's, crumpled up papers you wrote back in high school, a fork that mysteriously appeared...All kinds of stuff

Don't look in the junk drawer. Chances are, you're not gonna find what you need. At all.

by SystemShutDown March 11, 2019

Draper drawer

n. A drawer containing information such as letters, deeds, and photographs about one's sordid past or secret identity; inspired by Don Draper from the hit TV show Mad Men

Once his old lady found his Draper drawer, she filed immediately for divorce

by Joan Holloway November 19, 2009

top drawer

an expression of utmost praise.

That shot was top drawer my good man.

by box June 2, 2003

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Warming Drawer

When you fart in a co-workers desk drawer without them knowing, then you come up to them later and ask them to open it up to give you a salt or sugar or ketchup packet or maybe even lend you a writing implement. They open the drawer and POOF, surprise, farts in their face!

Jen nearly threw up after she went to lend me her mirror and got warming drawered by her warming drawer.

by The Drawer Warmer January 3, 2013

lucky drawers

A pair of "drawers" or boxers/underwear that you have that are very lucky. You wear them when you need a lot of luck and they tend to help out in tough situations. Also your favorite pair of drawers

Dude1: man we really need some luck for today. We might lose the championship game
Dude2: no worries homeboy, im wearin my lucky drawers, we're gonna win no matter what.

by jordanc45 January 19, 2011

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