When a friend with no car steals the arm rest when giving them a ride.
When helping a friend out with a ride it is an unspoken rule the they shouldn’t Nigga-droop. You are helping them out and the armrest is for the driver.
The inability to focus clearly on the physical appearance of a person any higher than the pocket or purse in which they hold their wallet.
Pageant-winner Jessica's inexplicable engagement to Walter (of Toad Hall) was surely attributable to a truly nasty case of Fiduciary Droop.
One of the sickest, quickest, Killa Cali rappers with the most flow.
Young Droop
39👍 14👎
The loss of an erection or overall sexual arousal due to the sudden visual of a hideous looking individual. Usually occurs when trolling through craigslist personals section. Should be accompanied by a "wah waah" horn sound in the background.
"Ugh, I was trolling the Craigslist casual encounters, clicked on a chicks ad, took one look at her, and had immediate bone droop."
The state of male penile flaccidness and temporary inability to get a stiffy due to excessive abuse and consumption of micro brewed beers.
I picked her up at Hopps Brewhouse and had her in my bed naked ready to ride me cowgirl but I got the micro-droop and she ended up sucking Mr. Softy.
To have an extreme case of "the Droop", wherein everything seems to be affecting your mood for the worse, hightening your sense of doom and gloom.
Jake: Aww man, everything's going wrong! I think i'm getting the Cosmic Droop.
The way your eyes lower after a big 'ol bong hit.
Drug user 1: Yo! That mans is high as fuck!
Drug user 2: Nah, man, his eyes just small, bruh.
Drug user 1: False, yo! Them bitches lower than low! He's on cloud nine, he got the Snoop Droop!