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Drunken Conscience

The state of mind you're in when you've been dipping in the sauce. Where all of your normal sober problems hit while you're drunk,which leads you into a spiral of more drinking and or just drunken rambling along with crocodile tears.

Gary:man, this Rum got me on some drunken conscience ish
Steve:can't you just say shit, you drunken fool!
(Gary starts cryin') leave me alone man!
Steve: I shoulda cut you hours ago

by Ya Boy Trax July 28, 2010

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Drunken Duncan

Sexual act where the female takes a mouthful of some spirit and then performs fellatio.

She was awesome. We raided the minibar for a scotch and she gave me a drunken duncan.

by Senidic August 13, 2011

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Drunken Yeti

Someone who, at a party drinks too fast too much. Usually pukes everywhere, like a "puking dragon" Is loud, boisterous, and smells funny. Makes an ass of him(her)self, and usually ruins their welcome, unless with the closest of friends.

The DrunkenYeti is best kept locked inside it's domicile, where it can harass the community of online gamers.

"Man! You might want to call Becky and apologize, the other night you were a drunken yeti!"

"Dood, the other night you started puking all over the camp site. Thanks for being a drunk yeti again!"

by xxattentaterxx November 16, 2008

drunken fu

1: The ability to fight while drunk.

2: When you ithink/i have the above skill. Normally involves the wild flailing of limbs and you getting your ass kicked. Much more common than #1.

Hey, what happened to Marty last night?
He started a fight and got drunken-fu'd.

Hey, what happened to jason last night?
He started a fight, thinking he knew drunken fu. Alas, he did not, and he's in county right now.

by malendras September 6, 2007

drunken ninja

a mystical being able to transcend in and out of buildings, rooms, houses, social groups and even multiple dimensions, Usually under the influence of alcohol to the point of memory loss

Did you see that kid last night? He totally went drunken ninja, i couldn't find him all night.

by Dancingdanshittingsand October 30, 2012

The Drunken Gandhi

A person who turns into a philosophical human rights activist while intoxicated. Though pretty normal while sober, usually this person would go on and on about their philosophical bullshit while under the influence. And God forbid if they detect another drunken Gandhi in the vicinity to discuss/argue with ... usually screws up the night for the Drunken Non-Gandhis who just want to enjoy their time.

Friend 1: Dude ... Sunny just had two beers ... I bet he's gonna turn into the Drunken Gandhi again.
Friend 2: Shit we should keep Jimmy away from him otherwise this night is fucked !

by MrFoulMouth April 13, 2013

Drunken Kleptomania

Waking up hungover after a heavy night of drinking, often including blackouts and puking the superb act of being trashed - awakening to find a bunch of items that you don't actually own, on your drawers.

These are drunk trophies, memorabilia from the night before. Unfortunately as you pick them up the memories often don't come back, why do I have this mascara set on my desk? Whose keys are these? Why is this screw driver here?

If you've asked any of these questions you have been a victim (or more so abuser) of Drunken Kleptomania. Simply put, drunken kleptomania is a state in which you steal shit and bring it back, but you were drunk, so drunk in fact that you don't remember how you procured said shit.

FACT: 67% of men have participated in drunken kleptomania.

John woke up, it was Sunday - Bloody Sunday he thought as his head felt like someone was putting it in a vice set like in Casino, only this was a four-way pressure clusterfuck squeezing the scrambled mess of hungover brains. His eyes burned as he let out a mighty grunt. Suddenly his eyes opened a bit wider, the pain subsiding as a subtle "What the fuck" blurted out.

There he clumsily stood, gawking at what was his room. He noticed the new construction sign that was broken through the dry wall. The lipstick that was on the bureau and the amassed set of keys. He examined the keys and lipstick with peculiar intrigue...

"Wha, When the fuck did I get this?"

The memories from last night were not coming back, He remembered leaving the party, and the beer bong an hour before that, but nothing in between or after. Just then his roommate came into the room.

"Dude, you were so fucked last night..."

Little did John know, but he had participated in the greatest robbery, the largest collection of Drunken Kleptomania since 1974.

by Jimblor April 7, 2009

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