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Dune Coon Itis

A medical condition in which the infected exhibit some or all qualities of that of a dune coon. Although rare, there have been fatal cases. DCI for short.

Me: Have you seen Adam lately? He's acting a little duney.
Wayne: Yea, I noticed that too. I'm no doctor but this might be a case of some serious dune coon itis
Me: That sounds about right, what a little poon.

by Sloppy 10s January 21, 2009

26👍 14👎

Dune Coon

A term used by Chinks to describe arabs that cant suck their own dick and get their bum scratched by coons like George Floyd.

Abdul: Hi Ling Ling!
Ling ling: Shut up u dune coon
Abdul: *bombs ling ling with a plane

by Hgudshidewhifweejufheheiifrohf August 19, 2021

1👍 5👎

dune coon carpet cruiser

Dune coon carpet cruiser is another name for the dot indians.

"You know your walking out of the gas station with a 30 rack and a fifth when the dune coon carpet cruiser is the cashier

by dune-monkeys April 26, 2024

dune coon

a arab person

i didnt knowe habib was a dune coon.

by andolf hatler March 19, 2020