A school that is better than all of the other HAS Elementary schools.
Patterson Elementary is better than Holly El
roesland elementary is a school we’re all teachers are disrespectful and act like a pregnant women and most of the people that come from there end up being a drug dealer
Roesland elementary is a gay school
A elementary school in Sun Prairie! Clap-Clap-Clap-Clap-Clap. Every kid thinks they are soooo bad for doing something like talking and then cry when you have to flip your card. Let’s be honest Goldie is creepy as heck.
“At Eastside Elementary respectful, responsible, safe, and trust at Eastside school these are a must!”
Some really shitty school in california with really bad staff but you be most likely to get your dick sucked while ur here
Oh shit Palmyra Elementary, that's when I lost my virginity.
an innocent and hopeless crush on someone. Almost like infatuation, but not as serious; when you can't stop thinking about that person. wherever and whatever you do, you want that person with you. Just the thought of them makes you smile. just like a crush in elementary.
person #1- I don't exactly like him.. and being "interested" or "infatuated" isn't the right word for this, but I can't stop thinking about him and EVERYTIME I see something related to couples stuff, he pops up in my head.
person #2- So you have an elementary crush?
person #1- YESS THAT!
4👍 1👎
Ynez Elementary is a school filled with mostly Asians. not a lot of Mexicans tbh, Ynez Elementary is a great school better then All the other ausd schools ( sorry xoxo) it’s really rare to see a fight in the school since everyone is so privileged . But they got no cute boys like at all smh like wtf.
I go Ynez Elementary, that’s one school with a lot of Asians
4👍 1👎
Pinewood is a school were the teacher are nice during school hours but after the kids leave, they turn in to there true selves which are real devils but when you think about it, there always devil, but sometimes what they do, well they'll take another teacher into the room and you know, do it. Like bang.but really the teacher don't get paid enough so they act nice to get promotions. The real worst thing about it is the motherfucking principal she looks nice but really what she does is lies to the teacher and give them dead line that are 2 hours long for things like Report cards really she a real big bitch. Now let's talk about the kids, most of them are retarded, know it alls(brats), and people I think smoke and/or are crack head.
Pinewood elementary is a school for retarded kids.
6👍 4👎