Source Code


something that can be trusted to email as the fastest and the least formal means of communication.

Is this application emailable or do I have to use a snail mail?

"Emailable" is an antonym of "confidential." Never trust your secrets to email.

It's a rough unchecked draft, not for print, but quite emailable.

by Mike Epstein October 8, 2003

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Email It

A link that almost nobody uses, found underneath every definition in Urban Dictionary. To the left of the "email it" button is the date (month,dd,yyyy) that this particular word was added.

When "email it" is clicked, a javascript interface will pop open below the text you plan to email. This blue box contains permalink information, an "add to del.icio.us" link, and the usual "email-to friend" fields. In the latter, you need to type both yours and your friend's email address.

You also have the option of signing up to their "Word of the Day" feature while you're at it, and they assure you that they won't give out your address. Over all, it's a good system and if you ever come across a funny word (i.e. fart), you can easily share the laugh with your mates.

Sebastian: Below this line of text, to the left, sets an undisturbed "email it" button.
Cody: Awesome. I'll give it a click.

by Sebastian Anderson. March 28, 2008

on email

when you absolutely swear that what you are saying is true. greater than on god, on baby, and on foe nem.

dad: did you do your homework?
me: yes
dad: on god?
me: yes
dad: on baby?
me: yes
dad: on foe nem?
me: yes
dad: on email?
me: ..........no

by da real beast baby πŸ’― January 24, 2020


Email is another way of communicating in the Internet. It stands for electronic mail, and that's correct, it's like mail, but in the computer! Sometimes you get spam, in forums you get updates from them. You can write messages to each other in email.

Email is kinda like forums, except there is nobody to use the ban hammer on you or your friend, but you have to wait and there's nobody stopping you from posting porn, sending viruses, and posting spam.

Email is usually the best way of contacting somebody, since you do not pay to send an email or get an email, except for electricity bills.

by MisaTange July 5, 2009

51πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


When you neither send nor receive any work related email for an entire day.

Today was pretty slow, I had a no-emailer.

by Josh481 April 30, 2008

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By email. (Compare to telephonically.)

I'll contact you emailically tomorrow.

Send me the resumΓ© emailically.

by Lady Chevalier October 4, 2005

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Available for emailing.

Liz, I'll be in meetings in the AM, but emailable in the afternoon.

by Splikkit April 24, 2003

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