Tex mex slang word from a small town in West Texas named Big Spring..Pronounce with a slight roll of the "r". Usually means "yeah right".."you're full of shit" Or at the end of one's sentence or story to stress the exaggeration of it.
1) Pedro: Recuerdo a esa masota Lisa? I hooked up with her ese.
Tom: Ere boboso! Haha!
Pedro: No for the reals!
2) Hey man I when I get my cheque, I'm gonna get some rims and hydros.. I'll be cruising at the park getting all the chics...Ere! haha
10๐ 8๐
Colon pounder. Usually used in clan tags for Call of Duty games.
Dude 2's clan tag: ( :#er )
Dude 1: Yo, what does your clan tag mean?
Dude 2: Colon pounder, bro.
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To lean or incline towards something over another.
"To err on the side of danger" or "Not sure about lunch this Sunday yet, but erring on the side of Yes"
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Common word used by the mad Michaels lads in 1st years usually used by keelan Coogan on pato to say he is sexy beast
Er pato
Thanks coogs ya mad mongo
19๐ 17๐
1: A word mostly used by British people to mean um or uh. Also used by crazy Americans that read too much Harry Potter.
2: An optional suffix for an adjective. If something is not -adjective- enough, then in some cases er may be added to it.
3: Shortened version of her and other words that are allready short.
4: Short for Emergency Room.
1: "Er, well I dunno..."
2: Raito had to write faster or people wouldn't do the cool dying montage with people falling over.
3: "I can't believe 'er!"
4: If someone is bleeding profusely, take them to the ER.
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Associated with the students from a certain ssuthside school in Dublin which shall not be named(you know who you are!) Basically means: Oh!My!God! that thing you just said/did was SO stupid/random. Also can be used to express disbelief at people/knackers.
Er you pov...get some wealth!!
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