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sca esports

An Esports team with members Cumson98, Gtinners, Fitzgerald and Skevry

Hey did you watch the Sca esports game
Yeh man Fitzz slayed bruh!!1

by Krunkerfan62 September 1, 2021

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Esports Ready

Esports Ready. A term used in the gaming community. It means that a game is optimized and ready for online or offline competitive play on a grand stage. Often used in a derogatory sense or ironically, to dictate to others that a game is poorly optimized and not ready for release, much less competitive play.

Classic: This game is AMAZING! We "Esports Ready" out here.

New: Did you see my pirate ship fly into outer space once it was hit? "Esports Ready" by the way.

by Pantallicus January 26, 2019

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Rulz esports

RULZ ESPORTS is the most underrated esports organization in the middle east

- yo, u know rulz esports
-yeah dude, they are so underrated

by AhmedDzn December 8, 2019

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professional esports player

One with a particularly strong virginity shield who is often allergic to women. Professional esports players are hard to come by in public since they spend all their hours cooped in their coom cave. Although, when one is forced into society, they can be spotted due to their lack of hygiene. Traces like cum stains, strong BO, or Dorito dust are defining traits in a professional esports player.

a: Why is Michael having a seizure after grazing Suzy's elbow?
b: Oh he is a professional esports player.

by frggerz September 14, 2020

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Tamales eSports

perhaps the wors-t team to ever touch the game β€œCritical Ops” as they have a pro igl named Dom. they have won a couple tournaments and lost 10x more. they rely on subs such as Damage, Tickle and others, they are not worth joining

Tamales eSports is a pro gaymer team

by October 29, 2020

Nin Hendran ESports

A team of 5 CSGO players who do dumb shit

β€œOh look that’s Nin Hendran ESports who won MLG Haralur”

by Atul Cherry Popper March 3, 2021

Daze Esports

An esports organization that wins wins wins no matter what. They have phenomenal talents like saucybeanzz19 and rang1bot

"Hey did you see Daze Esports win against CMC League 3-0 in Garfield Kart?"
"Yeah that match was insane. I loved the part when saucybeanzz19 said its dazein time! and dazed CMC"

by PsychoTurtle990 September 1, 2022