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evaporate my tenderloin

To Evaporate your Tenderloin is to beat your dick so fucking hard your meat (a.k.a Tenderloin) disappears(evaporates) into nothingness.

"Ah hell ya dude, this video of Paul Walker & Bob Ross painting each other's nude bodies makes me want to evaporate my tenderloin!"

by Tenderloin Evaporator December 10, 2017

did your brain evaporate

another way of saying someone is stupid.

kenny: who was the first president?
steve: did you brain evaporate? it’s george washington.

kenny: my bad i’m slow.

did your brain evaporate? another way of saying someone is stupid.

by Rlendnsnsk April 7, 2020


When plants filled with water get pulled up from the roots and begin to rise.

After I watered my plant, it began evaporation and started rising upwards.

by TriazaHeptane October 18, 2021