A piece of heavy machinery used when one so many wieners to transport traditional means of transportation do not work.
Wife "We have so many wieners to move"
Husband "Good thing I purchased a Glizzy Excavator"
the action of excavating something. relevant words; digging, scooping, cutting.
Can be used sexually or non-sexually.
David: What’d you and Emma do yesterday?
Johnny: I excavated her ass so good.
David: Ohhhh you went digging for gold huh?
Johnny: Hahaha
When someone furiously fingers you, like they’re digging for treasure
A type of construction truck used for digging holes or trenches
Excavator Operator
A very strong penis large and in charge to throw around a lady on it all night, without springing a hydraulic leak. Works well with dump truck booties.
Girl you need a good excavator to handle that dump truck.
Also known as "Ex" or "Ex-partner"
Used for moving earth and dirt from small piles into large piles.
To rephrase, an Ex-partner who overreacts and causes drama.
My Excavator is really good at making mountains out of molehills.
The Excavator has the kids for the weekend.
The Excavator is making whiney noises again.