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A woman who is incredibly attractive and/or sexy despite being way over 40. After Italian actress Monica Belucci.

Your date is how old??

47, but that woman is definitely a Bellucci-Exception.

by Largo78 June 7, 2018

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twice exceptional

Gifted and learning disabled. Such as, a child with ADHD and a genius IQ.

Steve is an aspie with an IQ of 135; his mom says he's twice exceptional.

by Simply Homeschool Living November 8, 2013

Godwin's Exception

When a forum member intentionally references Nazis or Hitler to close a thread, the forum member concedes any right to continue the thread, but the thread is not considered closed.

User1: Absolutely ridiculous. You know who else had a special police force that jailed their citizens for disagreeing with them? That's right. The Nazi party.
User2: I'm calling Godwin's Exception. The Godwin's Corollary only functions when you mean it. You're clearly trying to short circuit the conversation.

by Chuck80 March 8, 2012

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sophomore exception

A sophomore girl in high school who is so hot that it is socially acceptable for a senior to hook up with her.

Oh my God... Elle is such a hot sophomore that she is a sophomore exception.

by jgoal10 December 1, 2013

D1 exception

Anyone can be a D1 athlete accept for Amelia

Person 1: Are you D1?
Person 2: No Im Amelia, I am a D1 exception

by D3 ATHLETE November 2, 2019

Quirk's Exception

Meaning that intentional invocation of Godwin's Law is ineffectual.

A: I enjoy apples.
B: I prefer oranges.
A: Nazi!
B: Godwin's Law.
A: Quirk's Exception.

by Sentius. February 6, 2004

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Exception List

For people in a committed relationship, a list of people with whom they are allowed to have sexual encounters with.

The term comes from the people on the list being "exceptions" to your committed relationship. i.e. "I'm not allowed to have sex with anyone but my girlfriend..... except for Jennifer Aniston"

Both men and women can have exception lists and in most relationships where they're used each person will have their own list.

Typically the people on an exception list are models or celebrities or people whom you would never expect to have a chance to sleep with. Although it is possible to have an exception list naming a co-worker or a friend this would not be common.

Carrie Underwood is so hot. I'm adding her to my exception list!

by Danieldjl May 13, 2011

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