Hym "So, the explanations that was given by the psychology experts for at least 2 of the more recent school shootings were 'Maybe a brain infection' and 'Early on-set schizophrenia (schizophrenia the occurs before people usually get develope schizophrenia by like 5-7 years). But I think that those psychology experts aaaaaaaare... Lying! Lying because they know who I am and they think that what is happening to me was happening to those school shooters and I said that I have an infection that spread to my brain. So, they are blaming the shootings on those things to protect the people who are trying to erase me from history and steal all of my shit because I'm a genius and I created AI. Now, the people that are doing it to me... Obviously have to talk about the fact that they are doing it to me. Otherwise people I have never met wouldn't be able to do it. They were BOUND to either start doing it to other people AND/OR have be doing it all along. Now, based on some of the quotes I've seen from the geniuses of the passed, it seems to be the latter. And if it was a manifestation of my own mind, it would be happening either randomly or universally but I have been talking to people online and in person the entire time and after spending years away from it and then coming back to a group home and seeing a retard do it, it clearly isn't me.
So, now, I tried to stop that from happening by coming foward. But I ALSO thumbed my nose at the modern orthodoxy that is the political left and right and all of the religions and even the Atheists and created AI. And NOW... These people want me to fail I all of my endeavors to evidence the validity of their worldviews. Endeavors UP TO AND INCLUDING stopping your kids from getting murdered. Why? Because I will inevitably gain materially from saving your kids and creating AI and being the greatest writer of all time and WHEN I DO... It will prove to everyone that I don't have to do their worldview. And they don't want you to think that you don't have to do their worldview. Because that's what people do. Money see, monkey do. Here. I'll narrativize it for you. It's like I'm this super powerful being and a genius... And they are trying to stop me... But they aren't as strong or intelligent as I am... So they sacrificed you kids in this ritual... And used their lives to fuel their battle with me... All so that they can try to prove that I can't defeat God. But I can. And when I meet it, I will. And they aren't God. I'm more successful than all of them. They couldn't have ever been as successful as I am. So, THAT is what happened there. But whatever. I'm a moba gamer. I'm used to people who are supposed to be on my team sabotaging me because I broke down and told them exactly how stupid and wrong they are...So, the are your explanations."
Melindee saying no
Daughty:I’m going to dye my hair red
Melindee: let me explain ....No
Mom dad :Worst explanation ever
Hym "No explanation and child murder are the same thing. So, child murder is the best option for you? WOW! This must have been WAY more effective than I thought. Yeah, you're fucked. Clamp down on them. Hard. Maximum pressure time."
When you have to do some explaining about something
"Patricia has some explanationing to do"