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Fapple Juice

When one, or many, ejaculate into somebody's apple juice prior to them drinking it by fapping. Usually performed by men, but on rare occasions by stealthy women.

Jackson hung above the school cafeteria in the nude for hours upside down, waiting for the perfect moment to engage in the craft and art of "Fapple Juice."

by The Lehman January 17, 2011

33๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fapple sauce

Post-fap discharge.

Sorry, I didn't mean to get fapple sauce all over your new sofa.

by AtxAxLoss March 7, 2009

79๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

fapple pie

It's the 2nd pie in the famous two for $1 deal at Mickey D's. After you've finished your entree and your 1st pie for dessert, open the box of the remaining pie and insert your penis. While securing the closed end of the pie box with your index and middle fingers, fuck the pie.

Elliot: "Let me have a number 3 with a coke and a couple of fapple pies...HOT!" Cashier: "You're going to fuck both of them?? My god you're a savage!! Elliot: "One for the ride home bitch."

by Jaydubble October 31, 2017

Shitty Fapple

When you have a shitty fapping session.

Ugh, everything's gone wrong today. I even had a shitty fapple today. Why can't I live in peace.

by I like pone butts October 7, 2016

Apple Fapple

When a male ejaculates into an apple pie before it's baked.

My boy Derek made some tasty ass Apple Fapple yesterday.

by NLferdiNL August 8, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fapple refers to using an apple (either the fruit or companies products) to assist in masterbation.

Man 1 Yo, man let's eat these apples
Man 2 No man, I used those fapples

by Gray leader March 22, 2016


Apple is the action of fapping into a Snapple. A Snapple of any flavor.

Guy 1: Hey guy don't drink the Apple Snapple in the fridge.

Guy 2: Why?

Guy 1: It was the victim of my fapple.

by TinyTurtleTimmy January 24, 2018