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The actual definition.

Is a woman that doesn't have the IT factor (certain qualities) that would make a man want to commit to her via a relationship. Also known as a rejected female.

Other reasons:
1. Has high qualities and high expectations for a partner. Delusional thinks a handsome settles for her and yet he has many options.

2. Has low qualities low expectations. Settles for anybody. Desperate. Settles for bums.

3. Wants a guy that just wants sex. Most guys just want sex and the writing is on the wall.

4. She maybe obese and needs to work on herself and heal. Desperate for love.

5. Could just be an average nice girl who that guys look over, but not for sex. Sad, but men have high expectations too.

Women from all walks of life have experienced being a femcel in one point of time from 0's to 5 and to 10's.

Men from ugly to average to handsome reject these girls, but want sex.

The difference between a incel and femcel is their access to intimacy and sex. Incels cannot get sex , but femcels can.

Femcels are usually used for sex no matter how pretty they are or ugly they are.

Taylor Swift is a good example of a femcel.

Tommi Lauren is also a good example of a femcel.

Whoopee Goldberg had gotten married 3 times is not a femcel.

Tammy for 1000 pound sisters is no longer a femcel.

Donna: Thats girl is pretty yet men just use her as a cum rag.
Cam: See it doesn't just happen to ugly girls or obese chicks.
Donna: she needs some self esteem and therapy. She might end up becoming bitter like a femcel.

by JARAJAY November 14, 2021

33๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Commonly found in obscure forums and social media echo chambers.
Femcels come out of the woodwork online where they sensationalise and stereotype all their radical views.

There are 2 species categorised:

- "Mimi" Femcel
An over privileged, entitled girl/women, where any minor inconvenience in life is seen as instant mysogyny and cataclysmic oppression. Usually found in Starbucks, living off daddy's life style funds.

- "Troll" Femcel
Devoid of any redeeming physical features and the personality of a mangled plank, the lack of male attention has turned them into social vindictive warriors.
These women will slander normal "pickme" girls out of envy, but most importantly, all their problems are caused by men and the patriarchy.

Both of these femcels live in an alternative reality, where they see themselves as the eternal victims, and men the ultimate foe - ignoring actual facts, and cherry picking statistics.

As a femcel your duties are to persecute men, daily, create false narratives and blame men for all problems.


Linda (Femcel): "Please check your privilege and stop raping me. "

Mike: "Sorry mam, I just serve tea here"


James: "My homie killed himself after Afghanistan"

Brenda (Femcel): "I broke my nail last week I'm not complaining. Men be oppressors #killallmen"

by Cumbaja December 8, 2021

29๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female incel.
A woman who's so ugly she can't get laid or never accepts that she must settle for a man in her league.
Unlike simple feminists who only blame men for their own poor life choices, a femcel expands on the manhating and takes her unfortunate appearance out on the entire male sex. Femcels forever dream of their 10/10 prince charming but will take their "men are trash" rationale to the grave

"Chad's are pigs! They only want stacy's." "Shut up, femcel."

by BojackJim February 28, 2021

113๐Ÿ‘ 248๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Femcel or Fem-cel (short for Feminist Celibate, Feminist Incel or Feminist Involuntary Celibate) is a person (usually female) who blames Men in general for her own celibacy, lesbianism, or for her lack of a stable romantic relationship. She feels entitled to sex and/or a relationship from a man, in spite of the fact she regularly espouses misandrist and sexist opinions of men, and regularly claims either to hate men, or that men are evil and/or inferior. Just as a male Incel usually blames the shallowness of women and unfair gender based societal norms for their own lack of romantic success, a Femcel will often blame unfair gender based societal norms and the shallowness of men. In both instances the Incel or Femcel is defined by resentment, bitterness, and a sense of superiority over the opposite gender, whilst still feeling entitled to sex and and relationships from them in spite of this prejudice. It is an extension, and variety, of Misandry and Sexism.

Have you heard Lucy ranting about how terrible men are *again*? Yeah, he just didn't fancy her. That was his crime. She's a classic entitled, man-hating, Femcel.

by MichyB November 23, 2019

164๐Ÿ‘ 393๐Ÿ‘Ž


A femcel is a female who uses an anonymous social profile to hide behind when speaking about their inability to maintain a relationship or have sex, often blaming men and the impossible beauty standards set on them as the failure to thrive in society instead of looking at themselves.

Kerryn can't get a boyfriend because she only stays at home and listens to Femcel Icon Corinne Fisher's podcast giving her bad advice.

by Karen Fathands December 4, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fictional female character that claims she cant get a romantical relationship or sex, despite having 50 men in her dm's on reddit willing to fly over the Indian Ocean to meet her.

All self named femcels are actually Female Volcels ( voluntary celibate ).

Person 1: Look man, that girl who looks like she hates all men and has a bad personality, she is definitely a femcel!

Person 2: no dude, there is no such thing as a femcel. A chadlite just came and kissed her, dont you see?

by Lolicon2424 October 18, 2021

25๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


a big booty baddie



"you know femcel"

"yea she got zero rizz"

by TheMasterRizzler November 29, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž