Adjective. Extremely flat. A witch is traditionally considered not to be the model of fertility and, as such to be less than buxom.
Norfolk is a very windy county but that is not surprising -it is flatter than a witch's tit.
I turned the key but, having left the radio on all night the battery was as flat as a witch's tit.
98👍 22👎
Can't get any worse.
I've fucked my life up flatter than hammered shit.
20👍 4👎
An insult used to describe how flat something is.
From the movie Smokey and the Bandit Part 3
(Examining the flat tire on their car)
Junior: It's flat Daddy.
Buford T Justice: Flatter than your momma's chest.
Where your days start running into each other and you don't remember what happened the day(s) before.
I meant to go-to class today but it was on another day. I fleeked on the sentence. - Scatter Flatter
When someone does something dubious or creepy and you want want to offend them.
Hym "Not that I'm not flattered... But I would like to be paid for that 🤷 I don't think that's unfair. I did always say that I would be narcissistic Superman. And now I am. I am the Homelander and I can do what ever the fuck I want."
Lesbian . Gay woman.
Typically the more “masculine” of the relationship, given to the wearing of Doc Martens to complement her crew cut hair and dungarees
I bet that fat skinhead bitch prefers the flatter shoe
Jamie Flatters, is without a doubt the most amazing and perfect man on this planet.
Kind, super sweet, weird, caring, sexy, energetic, and talented, very talented artist, even if he doesn't recognize it. Is someone who will never let you down and will brighten even your darkest of days. A true gentleman with a pure heart. You will get lost in his eyes. His smile is contagious and you can't help but blush at the thought of him. Trustworthy, the first to apologize, and knows your boundaries. Has a sexy, regal voice that will drive you insane, but that you could spend hours and hours listening to him talk about the slightest thing. He's kind to all he meets, and will make his girlfriend (assuming he's taken) feel like the most important, beautiful girl in the entire universe.
You will love him forever, and never forget him.
Jamie Flatters: *talking very passionated about art, perception, beauty, etc. then stops and smiles* Are you listening to me?
Girl: yeh yeh yeh *blushing aggressively* please continue..