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A bouquet of weed/cannabis

My best friend handed me flowers and then we smoked bowls until they were gone.

by Hank Peares July 15, 2017

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A flower is a beautiful work of nature, some might say but no. Your flower is your virginity. An episode of friends teaches us that Monica uses slang for it and that slang word is flower. So why shouldnโ€™t we use this word today

No I will not give you my flower!

by Mary5678 November 14, 2019

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flower flower flower

a phrase by jungook holding a flower

flower flower flower

by flower flower flower August 22, 2022

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Another slang for vagina.

I went inside Jane's flower last week, it was amazing!

by Vhgjvmggvmggjtjkjbkjv June 27, 2016

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A glass tube that holds a small plastic flower. Sold for novelty purposes at gas stations, the flower is substituted with chore boy, and is used to make a crack pipe.

"Dan broke my pipe, I need to run to Amoco and get a flower"

by Pontianak December 7, 2003

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A very cute person (or animal).

"Oh, he's such a flower."

by Amy Schulz May 28, 2005

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A flower smells so beautiful and offers to complete the circle of live with the work of Bees and pollination. Flowers Have a certain power to lift your Spirit and spread cheer but can also be a token of sentiment when one feels the sorrow of another. Flowers provide beautiful colors inside their intricate design and there's no end to the possible kinds that can grow.

A Flower spreads cheer to let you know a friend is near!

by Whiterose410 November 15, 2019

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