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serial cheater

A person who cheats repeatedly using the same method or cheats more than once whether it be cheating in a game, on a lover, etc.

There he goes again trying to catch a girl. His girlfriend doesnt even know he is a serial cheater.

by chsbwoods August 22, 2010

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serial chiller

A person who always kicks back, kicks it, relaxes. One who rarely shoulders responsibility and avoids stress and anxiety.

Jake is either grafted to the couch, the back yard hammock, the lounge chair, or the lazyboy... or still in bed.

by jim christ December 20, 2006

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Serial Monogamist

Someone who jumps from one relationship immediately into another one.

Serial monogamists can not stand to be alone and often suffer from vast commitment and insecurity issues.

Because they jump into relationships immediately after the previous one has ended, serial monogamists typically don't take the time to reflect on their behavior or why their previous relationships failed; thus, they end up making the same relationship mistakes over and over again.

Person 1: Damn, Dustin already has a new girlfriend?! It's only been two weeks since he broke up with his fiance! I think he's a sociopath.

Person 2: No, he's a serial monogamist...

by Goody2Shuze December 1, 2015

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Serial Snuggler

Someone who has been known to go to Rumors and within the last 5 minutes of being there finds a guy with a blowout to take her to IHOP and then snuggle with.

"Damn girl thats your fith guy you have brought home this week, you are a serial snuggler."

by The Snitch Five O March 16, 2009

serial monogamy

The custom or practice of having one mate at a time. Each relationship may be serious and committed, or not. The term is used in contrast with strict "monogamy", which can imply just one partner over a lifetime.

Not to be confused with cereal monogamy.

People who remarry (and who have exclusive relationships, and who don't cheat) are practicing serial monogamy.

by Grinning Cat January 19, 2015

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Serial Forwarder

A "Serial Forwarder" is that person who blows up your email in-box with every piece of internet humor that tickles their fancy. Often times this person is a good friend whom you don't want to upset by explaining just how annoying it is to have to clean their "cute jokes", chain emails, their "partisan political humor" and other asinine internet tidbits out of your in-box every day. Opening and viewing email from a "serial forwarder" can even put your computer at risk of a virus adding to the level of annoying achieved by these people.

Every day I get 2 to 4 stupid/annoying emails forwarded to me by a 67 year old man who is the father of a good friend of mine. Out of respect, I have not told this "serial forwarder" how annoying his forwarded emails are so I simply delete them without even looking at them.

by taylmeistr March 16, 2010

Serial Poster

A "Serial Poster" is typically a Facebook addict and a narcissist who compulsively will add a new post about their self every hour or less. This is for the purpose of validating their own importance to a dwindling audience who is increasingly censoring them as their enthusiasm fades away with each new self absorbed post. The Serial Poster also will have a core group 3-6 unconditional fans who will "Like" indiscriminately each post that is made regardless of it's pertinence or relevance to their own opinions.

Everyone is sick of your self absorbed posts, you have become a serial poster.

by Ben Morgasm June 23, 2014