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farter starter

1. Any number of foods that can cause rocket gas.
2. When somebody hugs you too tightly, thus having a pump priming effect with your poo gas.

"That beef and bean burrito was a real farter starter!"
"Oh! Let go! You're giving me a farter starter!"

by Mark IV November 16, 2009

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starter homo

A gay man's first boyfriend. Destined for failure, this relationship is wsually with a flaky, younger gay boy exhibiting all the behavioural cliches of a homosexual.

We knew that Brian's first relationship wouldn't last because his date was a real starter homo.

by j krash November 3, 2006

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Starter Porn

The porn that you watch before you watch the real porn that you wanna watch. Usually not very good porn, not good quality. It's just something to watch while u start to get hard. Porn that you don't really wanna cum to, but you would watch it.

wow this porn sucks. I'll have to make it my starter porn for the night.

by DoubleXX June 29, 2010

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starter marriage

Exclusively refers to a couple's initial marriage, probably at age 24 or less, involving partners with little income and assets. May or may not end with children; will likely not end with more assets than when it began. One or more of the partners may have an advanced degree at the time of divorce. Subsequent marriages are usually to partners higher up the socio-economic scale.

All she got was a '84 Suburu and some crummy dishes. No jewels, no real estate, nothing really to split; it was a starter marriage.

by Jeffry Finer December 17, 2003

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Car Starter

To get a girl all "fired up" and then have someone else step in and take her away.

I felt like such a car starter when David walked out with that girl I had been talking too all night.

by Caps Lock March 12, 2004

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Starter Beer

A beer you have before you start drinking beers all day.

*alarm goes off at 7am*
B: Yo hand me a Starter Beer

D: For Sure

B: Thanks, can't wait to drink all day.

by SDG14 July 18, 2018

serial starter

a craft person who starts many projects without finishing them. Someone who has several Works In Progress (WIP) without any or very few finished projects.

John doesn't have just one work in progress. He has 20! He's a serial starter.

by CreativeChaos June 10, 2020