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n. <fr-on-gah> A type of underwear fat women wear.

v. Another word for pound or pounded.
adj. A word used to describe a bad day or something beaten to a pulp.
other spellings/tenses: fronger, fronged, fronging.

n. "Dammnnn, did you see that lady at the club wearing a frong? Not what she should be wearing."
v. "I was totally fronging her last night! She couldn't take it!"
adj. "Man this day was totally frong."

by Boldman June 27, 2014

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


(n.) The baby (or babies) of a grapefruit and an orange.

(v.) Getting owned or pwnd so bad it's indescribable.

ex. 1)
Gimme some fronge juice. I needs muh vitamin c.

Girl: -kicks man in balls five times-
Random guy: Dude, your ass just got fronged!

by popeandcockrocks February 3, 2010

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


slang for "my friend".

greeting a good friend - hello my frong!

by jens mueller August 11, 2008

6πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


we dont know yet but its really really kick ass and it has a plastic frog to do wif it


by scott + wallass October 23, 2003

8πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

frong brong

An annoying cunt.

Sometimes I wish you weren’t such a frong brong.

by Matthew17094 April 17, 2020


when your too lazy to say fr + ong so say frong

β€œtoday was horrible”

by LeGlitchy October 30, 2022


β€œfrong” is not a place. it is not a word. it is not a saying. it is not in any sort of vocabulary. frong is a state of mind. you are either supportive or frong, or you’re not. frong is a mindset, a lifestyle. you cannot comprehend frong, and you cannot understand frong. frong cannot be used.

β€œfrong” - patisthebestinweezer

by valyntinesperfume June 1, 2022