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Tender Loving Fuck (TLF)

Giving caring sex when someone's emotions are in a poor state of repair

My husband/wife etc... has been under a lot of stress lately and after the hard day they just had, they are in need of a good Tender Loving Fuck (TLF)

by PC_is_out_of_hand July 17, 2016

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i love fucking bitches

i love fucking bitches is a commonly used phrase that people say when they are doing the deed. Also used on omegle.

i love fucking bitches my boyfriend loves saying that to me.

by wiktoriatasmin02 January 15, 2023

Fuck you, I love You!

1.) To affirm love, without justification.

2.) To silence doubt in the face of love.

3.) To speak, truthfully of feelings.

When I saw the doubt in your eyes and watched you walk away, I yelled out to you in a wild voice, "Fuck you, I love you!".

by Roothless December 14, 2010

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

fuck you i love you

1. You're my homey for life
2. You're my dawg
3. You ma nigga

Fuck you I love you Dunson!

by Bayshelle February 15, 2008

22πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

I fucking love the fucking word fuck it is my favorite fucking word in the fucking English language and there is no fucking word in the fucking English language that fucking comes close to comparing with the fucking word fuck

The most amount of times you can swear in a sentence and have it still be a valid sentence

me: I have a world record for swearing the most in a sentence and still having it be a valid sentence

friend: ok whats the sentence?

me: I fucking love the fucking word fuck it is my favorite fucking word in the fucking English language and there is no fucking word in the fucking English language that fucking comes close to comparing with the fucking word fuck

by Hehe I cheated March 31, 2021

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Love fucking

When your making love and fucking your significant other.

I love love fucking you!

by Flimflamonfleek June 5, 2021

Love fuck

Hard, fast, primal sex that still encapsulates love and an emotional connection between a couple.

I am so turned on by you I just need to love fuck you because you’re so fucking amazing.

by SarzyR April 23, 2021