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Gaara of the Funk

Gaara of the Sand's more comical alias. Though it is fanmade, Gaara of the Funk has become popular, mostly on the internet. One can assume that it comes from his red afro like hair. The Naruto Abridged Series on youtube features Gaara in funk-form. Gaara is a character from the Naruto series.

Gaara of the Funk Quotes:
"Funk Coffin!"
"You don't respect the funk... for that, I will kill you!"
"If you want to pass through here alive, you'll have to beat me.. in DDR!"

by Otterdude November 13, 2007

131๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

gaara fangirl

A common species of fangirl, often from North America or Canada.

This breed of fangirl will generally worship the Naruto character Gaara, to the point of rabid obsession. (Ex. Having posters, plushies, pictures, action figures, videos, fanarts, fanfictions, T-shirts, ect. with Gaara)

Also may think they 'own' this fictional 2D character, or are with or married to him. Overall, very dangerous. Approach with caution.

Normal Person: Isn't Gaara cool?

Gaara Fangirl #1: -gasp- HOW DARE YOU, YOU WHORE?! HE'S MY SMEXILICIOUS 2D CHARACTER!! -foams at the mouth-

Normal Person: O_o -backs away slowly-

by LonelyNeko13 January 18, 2008

55๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gaara Syndrome

A condition that affects a person where the only person they are capable of loving, is himself/herself. Someone who has Gaara Syndrome is often called a Gaarasist. Not to be confused with narcissism and/or narcissist.

Eugene: Fuck you too! (hangs up cellphone)
Jerry: What's with you?
Herman: My fiancee just dumped me! She's going for some douchebag with a Mustang and a Ph.D!
Mark: Ow man, that's harsh!
Herman: You know what, forget love! Nobody seems to want to love me like they should, so I'll go love myself! Apparently I'm the only person I can trust in a relationship! (walks away)
(Three Weeks Later)
Doctor: So what seems to be the problem?
Eugene's Brother: It's not me, it's my brother, he refuses to even consider dating girls anymore.
Doctor: Why, is he gay?
Eugene's Brother: No, he says that he refuses to love anyone but himself.
Doctor: Another case of Gaara Syndrome! That's the fifth time this week! (looks around for the patient) Why isn't the patient here?
Eugene's Brother: Apparently you're the guy who whooed his fiancee, and I don't think that murder would help him get over his condition.
Doctor: Ah! That Eugene!

by BaconFTW!!! November 9, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Subaku no Gaara

Possibly one of the most kick-ass characters from Naruto. He starts off evil and killing everyone without giving it a second thoguht. He is the Jinchuriki of the one tailed demon Shukaku. A Jinchuriki is the host of the demon (Naruto is also a Jinchuriki). While fighting Naruto, Gaara realizes his mistakes and accepts his teammates as being his siblings. In Shippuden, he is Kazekage and does not kill anymore unless for a good reason, like someone attacked his friends or village. He gave his life to protect his village (although he was brought back to life). Personally, I think he's amazing and one of the most dynamic characters in the manga/anime. (Dynamic meaning he undergoes a noticeable personality change). He also has many fangirls because he's just so freakin awesome.

AKA "Gaara of the Sand"

"To them I'm simply an object from the past that they wish will disappear Then why do I exist? Why am I alive? When I thought about this I could find no answer. But as you live you need a reason otherwise it's the same as being dead, I then came to this conclusion I exist to kill every human besides myself. Fighting only for yourself living while only loving yourself If you think that everybody else simply exist to allow you to experience that feeling nothing is better then that world. As long as there are people in this world for me to kill and continue to feel that joy of living my existence will not vanish.โ€

-Subaku no Gaara

by FacePunch February 14, 2012


A pairing in that is based of Naruto characters. Gaara being the seme and Naruto being the uke. These pairs can be shown in fanfics, pictures, peoms or Dรดjinshi. It is not as common as the Sasuke/Naruto pair or the Lee/Gaara pair. But it's quickly becoming popular and makes perfect sence. Most people, when making fanfic's about this pair, make them fall in love in the fact that both of them are demon vessles and both know how hard it was knowing that everyone hated them.

The fanfictions and Dรดjinshi can range from rated G - NC-17

Its so hard to find Gaara/Naruto pairings these days.

Gaara pushed Naruto on the bed and pinned him down, staring at those whide baby blue eyes...

Also see Sandy Dogs and Stupid Foxs in adultfanfiction.coma Gaara/Naruto crackfiction.

by Evil_Chibi_Gaara November 11, 2006

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Dirty gaara

When gaara uses his sand to crush a Konoha ninjas' legs during the chunin exam, and then attempts to murder said ninja a second time at the hospital.

'He pulled a dirty gaara last year, and is not allowed to participate this year.'

by The girl in pajama pants April 14, 2020

simp for gaara

somebody who loves gaara and simps for him

i simp for gaara

by kazekage gaara November 11, 2021