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Gang Stalking

Gang stalking is where various people with the same agenda attack you in some way.

The techniques may include sabotaging your work at work, spreading false rumors, bullying, and trying to convince your employer to fire you.

Usually these are full-time bullies who get a thrill from trying to destroy a persons life.

Rather than seek help for their psychopathic behaviour, they'd rather form groups (a gourp of people is stronger than an individual, and has many advantages), and attack people for arbitrary reasons.

An example of gang stalking is where one, the gang stalking rat, picks out a target, usually somebody he has a grudge with, then attacks them. Then he or she calls a friend who they know will help them. That person attacks the victim, then calls somebody else whom they know will join in, and the pattern continues.

There is power to be gained from Gang Stalking.

by myPseudonymIsMyPassPort December 6, 2009

274πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Gang Stalking

A police tactic to exercise their homicidal instincts through attempting to systematically exact extrajudicial punishment directly and by de facto citizens' patrol proxy on random individuals. They apply all known and accessible technical means to systematically go after a given individual, whom they can only have heard next to nothing about. Sort of like a sport, where Man, as is known, is the most dangerous game. They apply classified technology, such as: advanced A.I., de facto nanotechnology, vibratory and auditory bug devices, psychological warfare and slurred-brained tactics, some forms of reactive bioagent, flash mobbing type regular and conspicuous stalking rituals 24/7 on a given target with thousands of active participants that have elaborate false backstories, advanced remote monitoring and prompting equipment, and unilateral attempted bureaucratic sabotage, feeling enabled and empowered by their like-no-minded ape allies; all while operating on a necessarily false, hearsay assumption, that they consider irrelevant anyway in their crazed, sanguinary solely criminal quest of evil. Nothing is too petty, too stupid, or too criminal for them - and they feel as if they are racking points, like a game, attempting to convey it to each other in their own ape sign language.

Much ado about nothing, in other words.

"Gang stalking is an inherently terroristic practice."

by Ubermensch-One November 7, 2023

Gang Stalking

Gang stalking is an extreme form of community based harassment that encompasses non-consensual human experimentation and has every hallmark of domestic terrorism. With the help of technology, a single family or individual is targeted with 24/7 tracking and surveillance that can go on for decades. It is psychotronic warfare as the target becomes the victim of psychological torture by land, sea, and air. Victim is identified, vilified, nullified, with the intention of being destroyed. Either by incarceration, institutionalization, or self-initiated execution. Many also die a "sudden death" by heart attack or stroke from the severe stress caused by gang stalking. Neighbors, co-workers, community members, business/retail employees, friends, family members are recruited to harass the individual(s). The victim's entire social support is eliminated as friends and family members are targeted as well. Victim is literally stalked by hundreds to thousands of people in every venue, including their own homes.

Gang stalking is hardly a new concept and similar tactics of organized harassment have already been used in the following: Stasi police, KKK, Pro-life groups, Satanic Ritual Abuse, FBI Cointelpro, MK Ultra, Monarch programming, workplace mobbing, and to help eject residents of rent- controlled apartments. The difference now is the levels of harassment have escalated 10 fold due to the involvement of Federal intelligence agencies, DHS, and the fear mongering caused by "terrorism".

Shortly after Megan realized she was a victim of gang stalking, the harassment escalated severely. She became the target of workplace mobbing, harassment by neighbors, community members, and first responders. This included stalking by groups in the hundreds to thousands on foot, bicycle, and by car. The harassment became so intense she had a severe panic attack and was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold where a fraudulent doctor attempted to diagnosis her with schizophrenia, put her on antipsychotic meds and place her under a conservatorship.

by CaliforniaTI November 21, 2013

107πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Gang stalking

An activity carried out by perverts, nerds, and sad disabled people trying to feel a sense of ego, identity and belonging.

Often used in pair with radio frequency imaging and surveillance technology very few even know exists. It stays hidden because of gaslighting and it’s complicated technical nature.

A spectrum analyzer and signal generator capable of measuring, emitting around V Band frequencies can identify and jam this equipment.

A surprising amount of mentally disabled people participate in gang stalking motivated by jealousy, frustration, and a sense of community and inclusion.

Gang stalking should not be confused with government and military operations using similar technology as these involve legitimate security concerns and not the self esteem and masturbation of creeps.

A gang stalker might proudly defend their conduct as an important mission, a validation of strength, or as comedy but it is simply technology aided assault and sexual assault.

1. Gang stalking is the 21st century version of peeping tom voyeurism.

2. β€œI like to watch men shower when I’m gang stalking.”

3. If you are a lying, self-deceiving, computer screen addicted, ugly, socially rejected, uncreative, easily manipulated follower who derives pleasure from creeping on kids, you might be a good fit for gang stalking.

by DrTimothy January 25, 2020

55πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Once a target is flagged, their information is sent out to the community at large, and they are followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. A covert investigation might also be opened, and electronic means used by the civilian spies/snitches as part of the overt and covert monitoring and surveillance process.

The citizen informants can be parts of these community oriented policing programs, but are often just average citizens. Everyone in the targets life is contacted, advised as to why the individual has been flagged, advised not to discuss the flagging and asked to be a part of the ongoing, never ending monitoring (systemic harassment) process. This process is covertly designed to destroy the target over time, leaving them with no form of support.

Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.

It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members stalk and monitor the targets 24/7.

Joe blew the whistle at work about the bad things that his company was doing. To silence Joe, they had him flagged as aggressive and dangerous. His information was sent out to every community, store, apartment, and future job. Then the Gang Stalking began in earnest.

After Joe got flagged his life feel apart, weird things started to happen, harassment, mobbing, he thought he was going crazy, but it was really just the community acting hyper vigilante trying to get rid of him. They assumed based on the flagging that he was crazy or dangerous.

by gang-stalking April 11, 2010

213πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Gang Stalking

Organized bullying of a target by multiple people,

which is usually done for political reasons.

It starts off by a gang stalking rat who finds his target by finding out peoples political or religious beliefs and finding out anything that the potential victim has said or written, then the gang-stalking rat lets others with the same agenda (that is, people with the same political agenda, people who belong to the same cult, or people who belong to the same political activist organization, union, etc.).

Once the target is identified and his details are (secretly) transfered to others, he is then considered fair game by the others, and they may act on him as they please, so long as they legaly get away with it, and so long as their activity is kept secret.

They will often be in a senior (or middle management, etc.) position within a company, then hire him, do what they want with him (see below), and then get him fired. After he has finished at that company, they will ensure that he gets negative referals for the rest of his life.

The target then goes to the next company, and an employee there (often a manager, or team-leader, or in other such position), will attack him there, too.

This goes on for maybe a couple of more jobs which last for only a short time.


The victim of the gang stalking is never enlightended as to what the agenda is, and the rest of the company is oblivious as to what is going on. The activities are kept secret, or the agenda and the organization is kept secret. The gang stalker appears and acts superficially friendly toward the victim so as to ensure that it does not look as though anything strange is occuring.

The things that are done can be summed up as "devil's switch." Basically, things are done, such as sabotage to a project or to machinary, things are stolen, computers tampered with, etc. that makes it look as though those things were actually done by the victim. Those things only last for as long as the victim is at the company, and the victim is often not aware of what is exactly going on around him, and so he is unable to defend himself.

The gang stalkers also try to make the victim look paranoid. This can also be a cause for firing him, or for people to help ostracise him. Those others, of course, are not in on the plan.

The victim is made to feel stress and anxiety.

Eventually the victim has enough bad references, that he remains unemployed. And so many lost-friends, that he finds it hard to have a normal social life.


The loosely organized group were Gang stalking Joe.

Joe lost his job four times.

by popopopopop1212122 January 8, 2010

183πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


An effect of current international police-states, where innocent individuals are abused by police and other military organizations. Essentially, these organizations create an imagined enemy out of ordinary innocent people so that espionage and authoritarian police tactics may be practiced by those belonging to these organizations. They are legitimated as "community policing," and individually, as whatever is convincing. For example, a Christian will be told that a person being harassed is anti-Christian, those seeing police as favorable will be told a person is a subversive or criminal, etc. so that it becomes justifiable that a person is harassed and abused by these organizations. Those taking part in these activities have been brain-washed from a young age to believe that if people do not practice these techniques, society will plunge into a dreadful anarchy. Their proof usually consists of people working for these organizations committing crimes to justify pervasive "policing." In reality, real crime is never stopped nor blatant. In fact, most members who commit crimes are at some point recruited into these policing groups covertly, even while still committing crimes.

The goal is simply to have society function as a military base. Those who are not involved in these groups are easily able to see the dangers and tragedy of such a society, whereas those involved, like the Nazis who took part in war-crimes, are not.

Current life of gang-stalking in North America.

by Justaguywithamindnotarmies July 15, 2012

62πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž