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the get up kids

Formed in 1995 in Kansas. Members include Matt Pryor, James DeWees, Rob Pope, Ryan Pope, and Jim Suptic. They play a uniquely midwestern brand up emo/power-pop, but are disbanding in early July, 2005. Their first album, Four Minute Mile remains one of their best, but Something To Write Home About will most likely stand the test of time as the cult favorite. Their long lifespan has lead to the rise of many other bands playing similarly styled music, and will continue to do so years from now. We're going to miss them.

"Man, I saw The Get Up Kids play last night and it was awesome! I got one of Matt's picks and a setlist!"

by stay gold June 28, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get Up And Push!

Get Up And Push!
This Is a Phrase Used By Hustlas & Pushas To Define Being Active.

Phrase Which Pushas Tell Lazy People To

A Better way To Kill Laziness.

If You Need To Get Your Bness
Done You Need To Get Up And Push!

Get Up And Push!
Looker1:Aye Yo How Yung O7 Won?!

Looker2: Bwoa He Had To #GetUpAndPush!

by Kaykno June 19, 2021

the get up kids

A good emo-indie band that I happen to enjoy. Includes 5 guys fron Kansas.

The Get Up Kids get me up in the mornings.

by Erika November 4, 2003

85๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

got the get up

1. When you or people around you are driving fast on the streets, highways, interstates etc.

2. Refers to your energy level

1. Yo you see that car? It's definitely got the get up

2. "Hey, you heading to the party tonight?"
"Naw man, I ain't got the get up tonight."

by Danger Mouse 007D September 7, 2007

get up kids

One of the best bands around! Thoughtful lyrics and are not sell-outs.

I was listening to the "On a Wire" CD and said, wow I cannot wait until the next Get Up Kids CD.

by P December 8, 2003

53๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get up and go

Used in parts of America to refer to the acceleration of a car.

"It's got a lot of get up and go"

"Why does my car have no get up and go?"

by Watch_Licker January 19, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

get up kids

The best emo band ever.

The Get up kids best CD is "Something to Write Home About"

by kevin April 12, 2004

63๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž