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A type of attack where one smashes a glass bottle over someone’s head.

“That freak took the fight too far and glassed that poor boy, now he is in hospital.”

by OmeletteBoy March 6, 2018

32👍 8👎


A term used in hunting when the hunter surveys large areas of land using a monocular or pair of binoculars, etc.

Brad and I were glassing all day yesterday and didn’t see a damn thing!

by Synthestamime January 3, 2020

17👍 4👎


something fake, trash

that ain't no big boy diamonds, that's glass

by xQcOW November 26, 2020


A pair of Ocular lenses that rest on your smelling device that helps you visualize things in a more crystalline way

I like you glasses

by BootsGang April 1, 2019


an admin on the frog squad discord

hey look it's glass, what an idiot

by homie255 October 26, 2020


It can be glasses you wear to see better, or it can be plural for a cup made of glass.

I can't see because I don't have my glasses, but if I can't see I can't find my glasses, and if I don't have glasses I can't find my glasses because I can't se...nevermind.

by Jon Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit November 5, 2020


Commonly used in science fiction as the act of destroying an entire planet through constant ordnance bombardment.

Reach was glassed by the Covenant. The Reapers are going to glass Thessia.

by ucantceeme December 1, 2011

95👍 52👎