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going all caps on someone

When one becomes so enraged that they shout at someone online through email, text, or social media by using all capital letters. Quite often overuse of exclamation points will accompany the text.

FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING FUCK!!! is an example of "going all caps on someone"

by itallica September 21, 2010

Go All Travis-the-Chimp

A fit of rage or anger. Similar to going postal or opening a can of whup ass. Travis the Chimpanzee was famous for his Old Navy commercials and had to be shot and killed while attacking a woman, tearing most of her face off beyond recognition.

-She will go all Travis-the-Chimp on his ass if she catches him with another woman.

-"Don't make me go all Travis-the-Chimp on you!"

by Ana317 February 19, 2009

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go all Hayley

the term "to go all hayley" is a popular colloquialism in the south wales town of Maesteg. It is used to define a moment of super violent irrational maddness often occuring for no apparent reason obviously named after the woman in question.

Dude: man my girl went all Hayley again today
Other Dude: You should drop her silly ass

Man to girl: don't go all Hayley on me now woman!

by Sausagio_Bacon April 21, 2008

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Going All Caps Lock

Speaking in caps lock over the internet to show anger.

Him: Woah woah, why you going all caps lock on me.

by unemocated November 11, 2011

Going all Angela Lansbury

To investigate someone's sexual background, face to face asking them questions.

Scott: Have you had sex with Hunter, or Pete, or John, or...
Vanessa: Stop it! Why you going all Angela Lansbury on my ass!?

by Aris da big guy November 26, 2007

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Go all January 6th

Adverbial phrase:
1) to intimidate someone with the intent to discourage them from a certain action or behavior
2) to purposefully inflict bodily harm on someone you disagree with the intent of showing how superior or right you are.

Past Tense: went all January 6th

Derived from the actions by rioters and seditionists who stormed the U.S. Capital in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.

by Jerry Cross

They were making fun of our team, so lets go all January 6th on them!

He was making passes at my girlfriend, so I went all January 6th on him.

by SchellRocker August 19, 2021

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going all the way punk

another way to say have sex hardcore

I'm the less than five-minute girlfriend who for one too-brief kiss fantasized about ditching this joint with him, going all the way punk with him at a fucking jazz club in the Village or something.

by Danizoom December 21, 2008

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