A ruthless cyborg killing machine (Schwarzenegger) created by SkyNet (Republican Party). SkyNet will send this killer cyborg back in time to kill our founding fathers before they can write our Constitution that gives rights to every American.
Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with...it doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear... and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead.
8๐ 16๐
A machine send back in time to terminate Gray Davis and becomes the first robot governer ever.
Reinaldo DelValle is fucked up man.
5๐ 12๐
Arnold Schwazenegger is....half man, half governor.
He proves to be an unbeatable candidate. How does he prove this? By blasting the liberal left and get away with it! Even George W. Bush wouldn't be able to do that!
Only one man can make a remark that offends homosexuals and get away with it...
Only one man can have a history of sexual harassment and have women at his rallies holding up signs that says 'you can harass me any day!'...
Only one man can motivate people to vote in something other than the presidential election...
The Governator!
Governator: Gray Davis, I shall terminate you!
Gray Davis: All that ass-kissing and I get booted because of a popular movie star! Damn, I must have been a bad governor!
Average voter: Good job, genius. You spotted the problem years after the voters did.
18๐ 67๐
wait... since when the fuck has a little bit of gropping and sexual harrassment bothered the democrats.... isn't that sort of their specialty?
Yeah, CLinton had a lot of respect for women, that's why he was in a sham marraige and fucked everything that crossed the white house lawn
7๐ 26๐
Box-office flop where a notorious action movie star tried his hand at politics, but found he could only make quotes from his movies.
I actually wouldn't mind that much if Arnold was elected Governator because Gray Davis appears to be useless.
4๐ 16๐
A robotic humanoid sent back from the future to rule the human race with his Scandanavian accent and hidden WMDs.
And the govinator said: "You vwill elect me ahs your gahvinator or I vwill crlush you pyoony mortahls."
4๐ 16๐
Arnold, the governor of california
People of Caleeforneea, prepare to be governated. Gray Davis, look out, or I will totally recall you.
2๐ 10๐