Jabba the hut's ugly derpy step brother
That guy is such a guava the butt, I wouldn't date him in a million years
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When you find someone cute and amazing. Can't help but smile and admire them.
Your, my sweet cute guava Jhonathan <3
English translation: tits of the dead
Meaning: Tits that looks like they have long since died. Empty flaps of skin devoid of life and fleshiness.
I used to date this girl, magnificent arse and abs but boy did she have guavas de los muertos
Whats that you say Holmes? Tits of the dead
A special Bob's Burgers burger that comes with guava
"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the 50 Ways to Leave Your Guava Burger, you should try it!"
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A roast that is rarely used but is critical when used
Me to a fucktard that roasted me: What did you say you Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ass fucktard?
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Jacob lives in a Guava house.
Jacob: *lives in a guava house*
I.e *jacob chilling* Miranda: GUAVA HOUSE.
Having gone down on your girl, and she doesn't tell you she is on her period. You have probably consumed copious of alcohol and not realized your face is covered in blood. Its a bonus if you have a flat mate and when you walk out the room (with that cheeky grin that you just got laid) and your flat mate see's you.
(Flat mate) He/she would respond, "Ha ha, you've been poof guava'd".
Looking in the mirror, and seeing the clown makeup of the joker that you didn't see coming -"poof guava".