An unmeasured legend. He will care a lot about you and will always listen to what you have to say. Hes has so many fans but he's to shy. His smile stole almost every girls heart. He's also quite but too cute when it comes to special persons in his life.
Youre lucky when he saw you, youre safe now.
A: Who is this?
B: You already know him, it's Hafiz
A bodacious baddie twink. Loves a German man and is usually only into hunks.
“Wow, you’re such hafiz for liking that man!”
he will literally have you hooked on him forever and once he shows affection and love to you for the first time, you won’t be able to get it out for the next month. he’s the type of person that you think about every night and won’t stop thinking about even if you like somebody else.
person 1: I literally can’t get him out of my head
person 2: is his name hafiz?
person 1: how did you know?
he will literally have you hooked on him forever and once he shows affection and love to you for the first time, you won’t stop thinking about it for the next month. he has the special charm in his smile and really surprises you with his height. when your the first person he’s ever given anything too on valentines day you feel so special and when he tells you pick up line you laugh at them all and when he tell you a poem a little place in your heart lights up and when he tells you all his problems and trusts you, you feel accomplished and when he tells you that he would’ve spoiled you on your birthday you feel loved but when he ghosts so or you guys just stop talking for no apparent reason you can’t stop thinking about it and it kills you though you try not to show it.
person 1: i can’t stop thinking about him
person 2: who is he? hafiz?
person 1: how did you know?
Cool Lil dude,
that one short guy whose punches are weaker than a fly's.
awesome guy, short temper and rare asf to see one
Person 1: omg is that a Hafiz?
Person 2: no way, this is incredible! Ive never actually seen one!
Person 1: well now you have, isnt it great?!
Persons born January 23rd to Mars 22nd.
"LEO is ruled by the Sun so the personality is charismatic, strong and is created to shine.They take on responsibility, naturally."
"Leos require autonomy and some individual power over their work."
"Leo is King of the Zodiac. His royal presence demands respect. Lions are like the Sun itself, warm and radiant, ready to help great and small, an"d give without counting the cost. No-one is kinder than a Lion, but can be badly hurt if people ignore or misunderstand them."
"If Leo is your Rising Sign, you're naturally cheerful. People are drawn to you, but other jealous! You're neither proud or pushy. "
"Like every other aspect of life, love is for Leos something mythical that should be experienced to the full. A little affection is not their style. They love to be in love and they love playing the role of lover. With Leos you’re in for a real love experience."
"Leos are perfect lovers. They have the talent to create from every love something special and magical. They love stylishly and without reservation and loyalty is part of their nature. Although Leos are vain and love being admired by members of the opposite sex, they are reliable partners and have the idealistic idea that love should be something dependable."
Excellent compatibility with romantic relationships.
"Hafiz" An old arabic refrense too love and patience.
A hafiz is born strong and giving but doesn't care for those who do not respect them.
"Leo Hafiz" (Name)