The type of “headset” typically used by lower income African American mobile phone users. Aka: yelling into a speaker phone in public.
Jesus what’s that loud ass Ebonics riddled noise?
Oh that’s Lashanda using her blacktooth headset so everyone within a mile knows why she ain’t tryna hear all dat.
A player that has very good call outs on shooting games
He's got some headset , No! He's got a Thom Headset
Getting a BJ from 2 girls at the same time.
"Bro, these two chicks gave me a headset at the party" uses a long title for the meta quest 3 128gb base model.
this results in stuff like this:
person: *searches meta quest 3 on amazon*
amazon: are you interested in the Meta Quest 3 128GB— Breakthrough Mixed Reality Headset — Powerful Performance?
person: why couldn't you just say "meta quest 3 128gb"? isnt that a little extra?