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A heartbreak is the worst feeling in the world. You feel so drepressed you can't eat, sleep or sometimes move. You feel like something is repeatedly getting stabbed in and out of your chest. Like the mortal combat guys ripped out yourheart and sare punching the shit out of it until it turns to mush. You can't listen to music or watch rv because every other show or song makes you think of that person....the person that hurt you... There are those times that you broke up with someone and you know you fucked up...the bad part is that the other person is so happy and you're not...You must experience a heartbreak to understand the pain. When you're sad enough you will start to hurt yourself AND others. Heartbreak fuckin sucks!! :'(

Im a twelve year old girl with a heartbreak.

by scissorslover March 30, 2014

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Heartbreak is when you love a girl, and then she breaks your heart. Usually she says that she doesn't love you anymore, and that you suck. That you were a mistake. That she has no clue why, in the name of a higher power, she ever dated you. And why she ever let you put your hands anywhere near her.

Essentially she makes you feel like shit unworthy to tread the face of this earth or even gaze upon her divine form.

My ex one day told me she loved me, and the next day she dumped me, sent all of her friends after me (who, by the way, got their asses kicked) and attempted to ruin my life. She failed, and now I've got a better, and much hotter girlfriend.

by The Other Guy June 6, 2004

545๐Ÿ‘ 251๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ahh how do I start. Heartbreak is... probably one of the worst feelings in the world. Yeah, sounds clichรฉ. It hurts though. Once you love someone, it's hard to accept when they leave. It'll be hard not to reminisce little moments. Heartbreak can be many things, but they all involve love. Heartbreak isn't always crying, it's also feeling really hurt, alone, sad, confused. It feels horrible, losing someone you love(ed). Especially when they don't seem to care. Some guys and girls leave you then get with another a week later. Or even pretend like nothing ever happened between ya'll. Could go both ways as well. Heartbreak hurts like hell sometimes. It all gets better at the end of the story. Trust me it does. Soon you'll realize it wasn't worth it. You'll find the one. You'll be happy. Trust me, I've been through it. A teenager that loved someone. I feel better now. Time heals, especially when the one comes. Thanks for being here.

Heartbreak hurts like hell sometimes. It all gets better at the end of the story.

by eh,imokay April 23, 2022

A heartbreaker

Someone who meticulously slices open your still beating cardiovascular organ ,while it still rests in your chest and they very carefully dismember, painstakingly lay each bloody and lacerated chunk of flesh on a cold ,fluorescent light reflective metal tray that clinks as the metal tools are jostled from the movement of the cart wheeling of the operating room.

They go home, your pulverized, shredded heart chunks sloshing in the leftover plastic target bag they acquired on their weekly paper towel run, and before going to sleep they will lay out a fluffy blanket in front of their warm fireplace, and joyfully lift one bloody chunk of flesh at a time, flicking the dripping fluids off of it and then tossing it into the flame. Listening to the sizzle of your flesh of the fire that luls them to a blissful nights rest.

Or guys whoโ€™s names start with J.

Whichever man.....

Person one\ โ€œwow sheโ€™s going to be a heartbreaker isnโ€™t she(chuckles) pointing at the mothers charming and cute daughter โ€œ

The mother having read my definition / *look of shocked and cold terror crosses her eyes* why would you say that * a single year drips from her cheek*

by Plant lady December 19, 2020


The feeling you get after being betrayed by the one person you love more than anything else. You have put all your life in this person, and she left you in a terrible way, turning your entire life into an empty pointless void. Your chest constantly hurts, you are angry at the world, you force yourself to not think in fear of thinking about your lost love, and you want to section yourself off from society because you no longer have any tolerance for the mundane bullshit that makes up most of your time. You just want to be loved but you're less attractive because of your bleak, hostile personality. It is the worst feeling that you can experience, and the real tragedy is that, due to the greedy and deceiving human nature, it is quite common. Heartbreak can cause suicidal thoughts, and is a major cause of death. If you experience it, remember, it can be fixed. Do not give up hope.

I got dumped for my best friend a few months ago. I'm still feeling the heartbreak. I have lost a few friends, and my life is a lot less interesting.

by Ovrklljm April 4, 2010

64๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. What you suffer from after getting your arse dumped in any especially cruel way by your alleged 'true love'.
2. Especially damaging the first time, and even worse if you're old enough to have known better.
3. That which leaves a constant residual heartache

That fricking ball licker just smashed me with the nastiest heartbreak ever

by Faith January 26, 2005

311๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


Possibly the worst pain in the world. Physically and mentally.

(Says to friend):He dumped me last night, but the day before he told me he loved me. I don't know what I did, but now I'm going through heartbreak.

by TheMisunderstoodOne July 1, 2010

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