(adjective) an extremely hot and uncomfortable space or condition. Usually characterized by high humidity, packed rooms, and serious swampass.
"Dude, it's HINGED in here! Are you hinged? I'm hinged. It's fuckin hiiiinged."
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1 - A word to describe a lazy, easily pissed off, and sleepy person.
2 - The guy Who Swings the other way
3 - The gay guy that is always the coolest
1 - (adj.) Wow, Pluto is being a Hinges, he's all pissed off
2 - (noun) Wow, Henry opened the door like Hinges
- (adj.) Not swinging straight, swining the "other way"
3 - (noun) Wow, though he's gay he's as cool, he's like a Hinges
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The place where an erect penis meets the body.
She's only worthy enough to lick the hinge.
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A sign of approval or understanding.
"Dude, I just practiced abstinence" "hinge..."
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what one says when lifting a heavy object
That cement block is definitely hing
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A young lady of easy virtue who is usually, but not always, aesthetically and hygienically challenged. Usually predominant in packs of Chavs or Neds. The literal definition refers to the female genitalia in a constant state of readiness as in, '....hanging out'.
I wouldnae go near her, she's a fuckin' hing oot.
I think ah caught somethin' fae that wee hing oot last night.
The most popular use of this term, however, is a form of male bonding and acceptance: Yer maw's a fuckin' hing oot.
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