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lithium hot chick

An awesome band! Made of mostly guys and one girl.

Dude did you hear the new song by lithium hot chick

by Awesomelaina December 13, 2016

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr Big Dicks Hot Chicks

An great collection of internet porn videos where a bro by the name of Julian pounds a bunch of hot pussy. Used by hung dudes to jack it mostly.

I jerk to Mr Big Dicks Hot Chicks because of the large size of my dong.

by jSox May 3, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Jeep Chick

An imaginary creature that is fabled to exist in big built rigs and be not only exceptionally attractive, but also inifintely cooler than other girls. Legend holds that these girls are low maintenance, and don't mind at all the time that their men spend working on their Jeeps.

Rare exceptions to this legend do in fact exist in the real world, usually found riding as passengers in built Jeeps for short periods of time, until which time they realize that they are in fact in a vehicle without normal creature comforts.

Dude... I saw this Hot Jeep Chick in a CJ rolling on 38"s

by olllllo April 27, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot robot chick

See wordRAcaseal/word

See RAcaseal

by Cpt.Bob October 20, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot pink chick

A hot girl often wearing "hot pink" seen at ski resorts. Usually single but is sometimes accompanied by family or friends. Also known as a HPC for short if you are not trying to blow up "the spot"

Alex: hey did u just see that girl?

George: HELL YA!!! How could i miss her shes a total hot pink chick

by skvfisdbavp January 6, 2011

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random hot dark haired chick

The hot dark haired chick in the office who walks by all the time, but you have no idea what her job description is.

Damn Bob, did you catch the random hot dark haired chick?

by Sir Dent November 13, 2009

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Hot chick

A very attractive female

MYA is such a HOT CHICK

by October 9, 2021