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hot topic

A store that is really easy to steal from. You can steal everything because all of those stupid fucks in there forget to put ink tags on their clothes so all you have to do is rip off the damn tag. Nothing in there is hard to steal. If you stupid shits who buy stuff from there want to be rebellious fucking steal your shit instead of buying it with daddy's credit card.

"Yesterday me and my friend went to Hot Topic and we stole about 4 different shirts, a pair of shoes, and a bunch of jewelry."

by motherrrrrrrrr fuckerrrrrrrr March 2, 2005

84๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Topic

1: (Noun) A topic that's considered to be contrevertial I.E. The second Iraqi war, gay marriage, abortion, etc.

2: (Noun) A store in various malls that sells clothes and tries to target various countercultures (I.E. Goth, Punk, Metalhead, Emo). Over the past few years, Hot Topic has gotten a reputation of forgetting it's core demographic (Urban countercultureists from ages 16-25, who are into music groups that are condisered to be too bizzare and raw to go mainstream, i.e. Danzig, Inkubus Sukkubus, The Casualties) in order to appeal to a new demographic (Suburban youths, ages 11-15, into such musical groups as AFI, Evanescence, Linkin Park who have toned down sounds in their various genres and received mainstream appeal).

3: (Adjective) Something that's not genuine, something mass produced and made to look like it's a part of a counterculture movement.

I hope the second definition is "Fair and Balanced" enough.

1: Do not talk about Ronald Reagan amongst those hippies. He's a hot topic!

2:I got this cute Avril t-shirt at Hot Topic!!

3: Your ICP t-shirt reeks of Hot Topic goth.

by ColdRedRain April 2, 2004

605๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Topic


- technically not a poser store... you have people that shop at hollister in there, people from the hip hop scene shopping in there...
- there is no religious Paraphernalia there... they dont sell anything with crosses, pentagrams, weed/drug symbols on them
- its mainly for people from the age of 16-25
- if you think its over priced, wait till theres a sale or it goes on clearance!
- there is really no happy bunny shit in there anymore... except for room funishings and things for your car... if you want happy bunny stuff... go to claires or icing!
- yeah its true... preps rip off the style... aint lyin there!
- if you say that all the little avril and evanescense fans shop there... in reality they dont! most of the avril fans are scared to go in there!
- honestly there bondage pants are overrated... and the girls bondage pants are too feminen and lacy!
- if you think hot topic is all about black.. you are quite wrong... there is actually alot of color! sure they sell hello kitty and carebears... but thats to appeal to the younger generation
- there really is no good charlotte stuff in there... SO GET OFF IT!
- alot of the styles in there are also influenced by the employees when they go to shows, they have a thing called ticket reimbursement, where they give you your money back for your ticket, and you fill out a paper saying about the different styles you saw there! so for all you people that call hot topic a poser store that love to go to concerts, your actually influencing whats sold in the store!


- pretty much all the stupid rumors that you hear! if ya wanna know about hot topic why dont you go in there and take a look for yourself instead of walking by the store and looking in, and making a quick assumption of the quick glance you took! honestly i hate having people come in my store and say "OH MY GAWD!! THIS A POSER STORE!!" get a fucking life and stop labeling places! cause its just a store that sells clothing! oh and btw im an employee at this so called poser store!

great stuff: selection of music and apparel that deals with the music... after all hot topic is all about the music

by kt the swimmer March 1, 2006

74๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Topic

A large chain-store in which sells clothing that do not appeal to the general teenage population. Recently made popular via certain pop vocalists and teenage magazines, Hot Topic has gained the lable of being a "poseur store" by a number of people.

Varying degrees of people shop there, including "preps," "gawths," or those just simply interested in buying a pair of pants because they (ghasp shock horror) happen to like them.

Also, generally expensive and over-priced for poorly-made clothing which fades (badly) in the wash, but a decent alternative for those of the younger generation who don't have a thrift store around or another clothing store which caters to those not interested in wearing clothing that make them look like a slut.

Note: Although many people who shop there truely do think they're flipping the birdie to the system, please remember there are also people who shop there because they happen to like the clothing.

1.) Hot Topic was featured in that teen magazine again. They advertised some nice bracelets.

2.) Person A: Oh, look, gawth girls talking about cutting at a Hot Topic. How... sickeningly cute.
Person B: Okay, we get in, grab the pants, pay and get out. Maybe they won't see us.

3.) Damn, the little metal star of my pants just fell off. I wonder if I should take them back to Hot Topic for a refund? I hate how low-quality these pants are, but I suppose it's better than wearing those uber-tight pants I saw them selling downtown. It's almost like wearing nothing! I wish we had a decent thrift store around here.

4.) Person 1: Someone called me a poseur again for shopping at Hot Topic. God forbid I like the pants.
Person 2: It's not your fault there are three-thousand eleven-year-olds running around with anarchy badges. Ignore them.
Person 1: Do they even know that anarchy, as a politic power, would generally crumple do blatent lack of organization? They might be lawful citizens, but there are many, many people who would take the lack of power too far and bring down society as we know it.
Person 2: Well, there is a reason they spent 30$ on a shirt you could by easily at Kmart for 10...

by Kawareru (โ€ฐรณ) March 14, 2005

127๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot topic

A store People Shop at with overpriced but Interesting clothes. It is just a place to buy things, it does not define who you are. All shopping there means id that You have a Substantial amount of Money.

Sane Person: I bought this at Hot Topic.
Insane Person: OMG! You Poseur!

by Andie April 21, 2004

70๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Topic

Just read this. actually listen to an opinion...Hot Topic. one of the best stores ever. but...I hate people who go there just to "fit in by standing out" it's a contradiction which is completely and udderly stupid. I, myself love hot topic and most of the clothes and accessories they carry. It's one of the only stores that actually carries band T-Shirts. I wear it because I want to, not becuase I want to fit in or be like everyone else. I shop at all kinds of stores, if i like it, i buy it, i don't try to be someone I'm not. Everyone should just try to be themselves, the world would be a lot less screwed up. I may sound mean, or judgemental but I don't like people who act a certain way with one group of people and a different way with different people. They're like sponges, they absorb the attitude around them when they should be able to be themselves around their "friends"

my advice: Dress how you want to dress. don't care what people think of you. be who you are, not what others want you to be.

(and i actually heard this conversation at the mall, i was like, go girl 2. rofl.)

girl 1: Did you see that girl shopping at hot topic?

girl 2: yeah, so...

girl 1: she's such a poser, she shops at american eagle and hot topic. she's just weird...

girl 2: and why can't she shop at both stores? do you even know that girl? she's really nice and down to earth. You don't know her or her style, she's herself, you should try that for once. just stop judging people for a minute and get a fricken life.

by MANDi_panda July 5, 2006

50๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot topic

just a clothing store, people say it's for posers but it's no different from any other store. all kinds of different people shop there. i go there for the band shirts but they are a little over priced.

"let's go to hot topic to get some cool
band shirts."

by Devastatin' Dave August 11, 2004

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž